• 217 daily fines The 50 radars of the DGT that sanction the most
  • Study The great voracity of the City Councils with traffic fines

During the past year 2022, the DGT formulated a total of 5,542,178 complaints on the Spanish roads of its competence, which represented an increase of 15.6% compared to 2021 and resulted in a record collection of 507,361,888 euros, according to a report prepared by Associated European Motorists (AEA).

Speed: two out of three complaints

The report indicates that speeding continues to lead the ranking of penalties, with 3,704,675 complaints, being present in 2 out of 3 infractions. Although at this point it is convenient to distinguish since if the penalties imposed on fixed speed controls increased (2.6 million, 17.7% more), the infractions detected by mobile radars in cars or camouflaged did much more. Increased by 30%, to 1.12 million fines

It is followed by infractions for not having passed the ITV or being unfavorable (618,375), with an increase of 4.6% compared to the figures of 2021; driving without a license (137,475), up 8.4%; not wearing a seat belt (105,996), up 0.16%; and driving using a mobile phone (88,201). (See attached chart).

Drugs and mobile phone use decrease

As a positive fact, AEA highlights in its report the striking reduction in 48.38% of complaints for driving with the presence of drugs (26,126 complaints compared to 50,613 made in 2021); mobile use in driving (-13%) and reckless driving (-3.10%).

Increase in complaints of alcohol

On the contrary, there is concern about the notable increase in complaints made for driving exceeding the permitted alcohol level with an increase of 51.8%, from 56,073 complaints in 2021 to 85,130 in 2022. There is also an increase in those related to driving without insurance (21%) and not identifying the driver by vehicle owners (21.7%).

Results by region

By autonomous communities, complaints have increased compared to 2021 in Andalusia (42.8%); Extremadura (32.3%); Cantabria (26.3%); La Rioja (24.7%); Madrid (21.2%); Balearic Islands (18.1%), Valencian Community (18%); Ceuta and Melilla (13.2%); Castilla-La Mancha (9.2.%); Galicia (1.3%) and the Canary Islands (0.9%).

On the contrary, they have decreased in Navarra (-8%), Castilla y León (-2.9%); Murcia (-2.1%); Aragon (-1.5) and Asturias (-0.4%).

Madrid, Leader by km of road

Although Andalusia was where there were more complaints in absolute terms (1,402,101 complaints), although in the Community of Madrid is where the highest number of infractions has been detected depending on the extension of its road network (158 complaints per kilometer), being Castilla y León, on the contrary, where fewer complaints have been recorded per kilometer of road (17 complaints / km).

Castilla y León, first by number of vehicles

Castilla y León, on the other hand, has led the ranking of complaints according to its fleet of vehicles (0.30 complaints per vehicle), followed by Cantabria (0.28) and La Rioja (0.27). On the contrary, in Ceuta and Melilla fewer complaints have been recorded, both in absolute numbers (8,184 complaints), and depending on the vehicle fleet (0.06 complaints per vehicle).

  • Traffic
  • DGT

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