Vinicius confronts racism in Spanish football, global outrage

Vinicius Junior (Real Madrid) during the semi-final match of the Copa del Rey, against FC Barcelona, on March 2, 2023. © Manu Fernandez/AP

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The Spanish football championship is once again facing the scourge of racism in its stadiums, after the new insults hurled on Sunday 21 May in Valencia against the Brazilian striker of Real Madrid Vinicius, which sparked a wave of indignation in the football world and beyond.


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In Valencia, during the defeat of Real (1-0), the merengue striker, regularly targeted, complained of having been described as a "monkey" by opposing supporters.


It was not the first time, nor the second nor the third. Racism is normal in La Liga, "reacted on Instagram Vinicius, excluded at the end of the match after a scuffle that saw his opponent escape a similar sanction.

"The Federation is appalled by what happened"

The Brazilian, whose puppet in his likeness was also hanged from a bridge by Atletico Madrid fans in January, called for "actions, sanctions". Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti came out of his way in a press conference, saying the Spanish league had "a problem with racism".


The Federation is appalled by what has happened. These attitudes must be eradicated, "reacted in the night the Spanish federation, competent for these issues via its "Competición Committee" which is equivalent to the French disciplinary commission.


Before criticizing and insulting La Liga, it would be necessary for you to inform yourself properly," said La Liga boss Javier Tebas, refuting any inaction by his body. The latter, which highlighted its "responsiveness" in a statement, assured to have transmitted nine complaints this season for incidents suffered by Vinicius, only one of which led to a sanction (Valladolid mid-December). She has committed to passing on the results of her investigation to the justice system if a new hate crime is proven. Insufficient, however, Ancelotti judged. "What has happened so far? Reports that have come to nothing (...). The solution is to stop the game. »

In addition to the Italian, support has poured in from all over the world. Starting with Brazil, where the president of the federation Ednaldo Rodrigues assured on social networks that Vinicius had "the love of all Brazilians". "New episode of racism in La Liga and once again Vini is the victim," also lamented Ronaldo, the legend of the Seleçao.

"You're not alone. We are with you and support you"

At a press conference in Hiroshima, Japan, President Luis Inazio Lula da Silva also denounced the "racism" suffered by Vinicius. "He was called a monkey. It is not possible, in the twenty-first century, to have such strong racial prejudice in so many football stadiums," he added. Local music icon Gilberto Gil quickly followed suit. Outside the country, PSG star Kylian Mbappé has also taken a stand. "You're not alone. We are with you and support you," he wrote in English on Instagram. "I saw pain, disgust. We have to help him," said former England international Rio Ferdinand.

The Valencia club, host of the incident, assured in a statement that it "publicly condemns any kind of insult, attack", and that it "will take the most severe measures", evoking, however, an "isolated act".


Racism has no place in football or society," said Fifa boss Gianni Infantino, recalling the existence of a specific procedure. "First, we stop the game and make an announcement. Then, the players leave the pitch and the suspension of the match is announced if the attacks start again. The match resumes and if the attacks resume, (...) the three points go to the opponent." "These rules should be introduced in every league, in every country," he stressed.

Awakening of bad memories for Spanish football

The racist insults hurled by the Valencia stadium crowd against Vinicius have awakened bad memories for Spanish football, splashed by several similar cases in the last 40 years targeting Samuel Eto'o, for example. Cameroonian legend Samuel Eto'o's five years at FC Barcelona (2004-2009) were marked by racist incidents, such as when the striker threw the ball towards the Getafe crowd in 2004 after being the victim of monkey cries. Two weeks later, against Albacete, Eto'o was again the victim of racist insults.

In 2005, the Cameroonian striker celebrated a goal by parodying a monkey. And in 2006, victim of racist insults in Zaragoza, Eto'o decided to abandon the field as he was about to shoot a corner. "No juego mas!" ("I'm not playing anymore!" he tells the referee, who tries to convince him to answer by staying on the field. After the intervention of several people on the pitch, Eto'o retraces his steps and the match ends. A few days later, the Spanish federation fined the Real Zaragoza club 9,000 euros.

Other examples. In March 2005, Real Madrid's Brazilian striker Ronaldo threw a bottle of water at the stands in Malaga after being the victim of racist insults. A few days earlier, in the same stadium, the Costa Rican striker of Malaga Paulo Cesar Wanchope had hit a fan of his club who had uttered monkey cries.

(With AFP)

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