Finland rose and was able to equalise shortly afterwards through Harri Pesonen. Early in the second period it was also 2-1 for the home nation when Oskarshamn player Ahti Oksanen scored his first World Cup point with a delicious goal from a minimal angle.

But France did not give in. A neat interception allowed Justin Addamo to push in 2-2 between the legs of Emil Larmi.

Then Finland's biggest World Cup king of the last year, Marko Anttila, stepped forward. The huge forward turned in from the left, with a small but at the same time huge wiggle, and flicked in 3-2 from the castle.

"He's got into the habit of scoring important goals," says Jonas Andersson.

Could have been a scapegoat – became a hero

Finland was also able to extend to 4-2 in the third period, but again France was able to reduce. And with about four minutes left, the French had a dream opportunity to equalize from the castle, but then Larmi made himself big in the goal and saved Finland narrowly when the puck bounced just under a decimeter off the post.

The giant save gave Finland the chance to later put the nail in the coffin in the open box, 5-3 from Sakari Manninen.

See Larmi's goalkeeper board in the player above and watch Finland's match-deciding 3-2 and 4-2 below.

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Finland sinks France in Hockey World Cup