As soon as he arrived at the head of the women's France team on March 30, Hervé Renard set the tone: demanding and encouragement. The former coach of Saudi Arabia at the last World Cup brings a new breath and repeats at will his joy to have been chosen to guide the Blues.

In just a few days, the double winner of the Africa Cup of Nations already seems complicit with his players who come out of a difficult period concluded by a sling of several executives against his predecessor Corine Diacre, criticized in particular for his management.

"He has the experience and the experience," Sakina Karchaoui, defender of the France team, told France 24. We had a lot of exchanges with him in a short time. He's a very open person."

To top it off, Hervé Renard opened this new era with 2 friendly wins against Colombia and Canada a few days ago. Her players kicked off the preparation for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in the best possible way.

Their goal is clear and assumed: to win the first title in French women's football.

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