Two minutes of play are enough for the Blues to score their first try from 30 French meters.

They come out of their camp superbly thanks to a very dynamic game, like the second line Thibaud Flament who achieves a magnificent breakthrough before passing on to winger Ethan Dumortier, author of a decisive pass for Thomas Ramos.

The tricolor rear flattens in the in-goal and signs a magnificent try demonstrating the intention of the French to produce the game in this stadium of Twickenham considered as the temple of rugby.

Its approximately 80,000 spectators saw the French very enterprising in the first ten minutes, with a 10-point lead in the score thanks to a penalty from Thomas Ramos.

Taken aback by this start, the English then manage to get their hands on the ball and occupy the French camp.

But they come up against a good French defense, like Jonathan Danty who made valuable scratches.

With the onset of rain, the ball becomes more difficult to control for the 30 players.

French captain Antoine Dupond retains the same precision on foot, managing to find a precious touch in the 22 English meters in the 25th minute.

A ball well negotiated by the French who offer themselves a second try, scored in force by Thibaud Flament against two English opponents.

Led 17 to 0, England failed to find solutions, even if the opener Marcus Owen scored the first English points on penalty.

It is imitated a few seconds later by Thomas Ramos.

And Charles Ollivon drove the point home in the 40th minute with a third try scored after a fine French scrum.

He is transformed by Thomas Ramos, author of 12 points and a 100% on foot in this first half (3-27).

The English fought back at the start of the second period and were rewarded with a try from their back Freddie Steward in the 46th minute, converted by Marcus Smith.

But they lack precision to succeed in really worrying the Blues who retain a 17-point lead (10-27).

Installed in the opposing camp, the French control this match and the possession of the match.

In the 57th minute, Thibaud Flament, a player who played for several seasons in England and dreamed of playing at Twickenham, scored twice.

A few minutes later, Charles Ollivon did the same, to give the French a very large lead in the 60th minute (10-41).

Completely disorganized, the English are unable to find the thread of the meeting.

They remain rough and make mistakes that prevent them from being dangerous.

Conversely, the French show great discipline and take advantage of the intelligence of their hinge to get free.

The 6th French try is scored in the 72nd minute by Damian Penaud, beautifully served on foot by Gaël Fickou.

And the spectators who begin to leave Twickenham do not see the French winger do it again two minutes later to further inflate the score (10-53).

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