Europe 1 with AFP 3 p.m., March 11, 2023

Nearly 3.25 million tickets have been sold for the Paris Olympics after a first sales phase launched more than a month ago.

The second phase of ticket sales, this time individually, will begin from March 15, with a new draw.

This time, 1.5 million tickets will go on sale.

We take stock.

The Paris Olympics are already a full house.

Despite a controversy over prices deemed excessive, the first phase of sales launched more than a month ago is a "success" according to Tony Estanguet, who again defended his pricing policy on Thursday.

Of these 3.25 million tickets sold, nearly 13% were sold at 24 euros, 70% at less than 100 euros and 4.5% at more than 200 euros, detailed the organizers.

Two-thirds of the buyers are French, they said, adding that a total of 158 nations were represented among the buyers.


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Tickets ranging from 90 euros to 2,700 euros

"We sold a third of our tickets in three weeks, it's a huge craze. It's a real success", supported Tony Estanguet.

If this first phase put on sale in packs of three tickets minimum - and 30 maximum - the second will see tickets sold individually.

Registration takes place between March 15 and April 20, the purchase slots will open on May 11 for 1.5 million tickets.

Tickets for the opening ceremony, unprecedented on the Seine - with tickets ranging from 90 euros to 2,700 euros - will notably be put on sale, as will access to the closing ceremony.

"The greatest finals, the most requested moments will arrive there for sale", assured Tony Estanguet.

The prices for the finals of certain sports will vary between 50 euros and 160 euros for the breaking finals for example, or between 95 and 980 euros for the basketball finals.

“We have issues that are difficult to reconcile, both to generate income (…) and on the other to ensure that it is a popular celebration”, recognized the boss of the organizing committee.

The planned ticketing revenue should bring in nearly 1.4 billion euros, - hospitality (top-of-the-range packages) included -, out of an overall budget of 4.4 billion euros, i.e. one third of the budget of the Committee of organization.


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A resale system will be put in place

Some disciplines are also more popular than others, such as basketball, climbing or BMX, with limited capacity.

The tickets were equipped from the first day of sale. 

Finally, according to

Le Parisien

, an official resale system will be put in place in the second quarter of 2024 and to allow the sale at face value of places that are no longer of interest and to satisfy those who could not have obtained them via the various raffles.