Sweden had a tough day at the women's relay at the WC in Planica.

Afterwards, several of the riders talked about how the material was not as good as that of the other nations at the top.

- I'm working a little hard to catch up and then I think I'm not keeping up downhill.

Haven't had such good skiing, says Frida Karlsson to SVT Sport.

The race manager Petter Myhlback does not agree that the riders had bad material.

- I think we had good material today, what I have seen and the assessment that I make on the side, he tells SVT Sport and continues:

- I don't think it's the material that gets in the way, but I think that many TV viewers are very knowledgeable and see what's happening out in the track, he says.

Myhlback: "It's not a wallamiss"

According to Myhlback, there is no election miss from the Swedish side, and he is annoyed.

- There is also a slight irritation, that as soon as sporting achievements do not go where the dreams are, it is the lack of material that sits in between, and in reality it is probably not so true.

Irritation from which side?

- Yes, from my side.

I think it's useless that I never get to be here (and talk to the media) when things are going really well.

The reason we want to talk to you is that the girls themselves say that they feel that the skis were not 100 percent?

- And I accept what they say 100 percent, but I have to talk to them, it's not an election miss today, but it could be that Norway has better skis.

Don't you think we should ask you when they (the riders) say they are not satisfied?

- Yes, absolutely, of course you should.

Sometimes you also see that we have fantastic skis and then there is complete silence on the radio, he says in conclusion.