- It will affect us, but without saying too much, we will manage it too.

But it is clear as hell that it is not positive for development, CEO Mikael Johansson has previously told Nerikes Allehanda.

During the pandemic, Örebro Hockey was granted substantial financial support to cover short-term layoffs of staff.

In December 2021, Tillväxtverket demanded the money back, but referring to the fact that the club had already suffered major financial concerns before the pandemic.

More elite associations affected

Therefore, the problems were not caused by the pandemic, and Örebro Hockey had to pay back just over seven million kroner.

The club appealed the decision to the administrative court, with the argument that the economy as a whole is good if you look at all the association's companies.

But the court does not agree, and has decided to follow the Growth Agency's line, according to Nerikes Allehanda.

Several other elite associations have also had their corona subsidies reclaimed by the Agency for Growth.