Pitcher Kenta Maeda of the Major League Twins, who is aiming to return from surgery on his right elbow, started in the first game of the open game, and kept a clean sheet in the actual game for the first time in about a year and a half.

Pitcher Maeda, who is aiming to return from surgery on his right elbow, started the first game against the Rays in Fort Myers, Florida on the 25th.

After pitching practice, Maeda put his hand on the mound and entered the game, and in the first inning, the first batter suddenly hit a 146-kilometer fastball, inviting a no-out second base pinch.

Still, when he hit the following batter with a breaking ball, he struck out the 3rd batter with a straight strike, and hit the 4th batter with a breaking ball.

Pitcher Maeda was greeted with a high-five by his teammates after pitching, showing a happy expression.

After the game, pitcher Maeda said, "It's been a long time since I've been preparing for a game and listening to the national anthem gradually lifted my spirits. , Just because I'm back to normal here today doesn't mean I've accomplished everything.

Also, when he himself participated in the WBC Japan national team in 2013, he said, "When I was young, I was able to play against major league players, and my world expanded a lot. We have a really good team, so please do your best to win the championship."