Last week, Tilda Johansson tested positive for covid-19.

This has meant that the 23-year-old biathlete has not been able to train.

- I'm not feeling great.

I have hardly had any cold symptoms and I feel healthy that way.

But I am extremely weak in body and without energy.

You feel tough, says Johansson to SVT Sport.

"I follow every competition"

At the same time, the WC is taking place in Oberhof.

- I follow every competition.

Now that I'm lying on the couch, I can follow it without a problem.

I follow everything, says Johansson and laughs.

In the Swedish team, Elvira Öberg has also fallen ill, and it is currently unclear how large parts of the WC she will miss.

But no replacement seems to be called in.

Tilda Johansson, together with Stina Nilsson and Johanna Skottheim, have been mentioned as three possible reserves.

- Very sad for Elvira.

I am absolutely not current and I don't think I will be this weekend either.

Sad, but that's how it is.

And I think the national team management has a good plan behind it all.

I think they discussed this a lot and came to the best decision for everyone, says Johansson.

The IBU Cup in danger

How big a chance would you have had of being drafted if you had been healthy?

- Then I still think I would have had a pretty good chance of being a reserve.

I absolutely believe that I would have been included in the discussions.

But right now I'm not, and I fully understand that.

What's next for you?

- The plan has been for me to go to Canada and ride the IBU Cup there.

But the plane already leaves on Sunday, so I don't even know if it's relevant anymore.

Right now I have to take it day by day, and see when this goes away.

CLIP: National team coach Johannes Lukas on the choice not to call in substitutes (February 13, 2023)

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Hear national team coach Johannes Lukas talk about the choice not to call in substitutes Photo: Bildbyrån