"Play" the love of games into a gold medal

  Hope to create game works that integrate traditional Chinese cultural elements

  On the world stage, wearing the national flag, biting the gold medal... For Luo Kai, this scene will never be forgotten.

In the special competition of the 2022 World Skills Competition, this teenager born in 2001 won the gold medal in the 3D digital game art project, realizing the "zero breakthrough" of the gold medal in this project since China participated.

  Speaking of the reason for initially choosing this project, Luo Kai thinks that the only word is "love".

  Luo Kai, like most boys, has no resistance to games.

"The first time I came into contact with computer games was in junior high school, and I couldn't extricate myself soon." However, unlike many people, what he thinks about during playing is not how to move or how to upgrade quickly, but curiosity" Why can the character in it move, why can I control him, how can the character skin be switched at will"...

  As a result, Luo Kai became interested in game design.

In 2016, after the high school entrance examination, facing a "fork in the road" in his life, Luo Kai chose to major in computer game production under the recommendation of his teacher.

Soon, this young man who likes games emerged and passed the selection to enter the school's training team preparing for the world championship.

  The 3D digital game art project is a competition that combines creativity and skills, and requires players to have strong strength.

In the game company, the work needs to be done by multiple people. The players not only need to complete all the links independently, but also do it quickly and well.

  It is precisely because of love that Luo Kai can face setbacks calmly even if he encounters setbacks on the way to the gold medal in the World Championships.

During the selection process at various levels, many people who have watched his competition will all think of three words in unison: "steady, accurate and fast".

  Luo Kai is very fast in software operation, and his subjective and objective scores in the modeling module are often the highest in the game.

It is precisely because the operation is fast and accurate enough that he has formed a "crushing" advantage over other players in this module.

  On the last day of the 2022 World Championship 3D Digital Game Art Competition, contestants were asked to design pixel art that conforms to the style of "Fortnite" based on the elements of "The Wizard of Oz", the more the better.

Luo Kai drew 36 pictures in one breath, the most in the audience, 12 more than the second player.

  Recalling the closing ceremony at that time, Luo Kai still feels emotional.

"Who would have thought that I could become a world champion because I like games?" Luo Kai said with emotion, "I am very fortunate to live in an era where skilled talents are valued, allowing me to 'play' my hobby into a career."

  Now Luo Kai has become a teacher of Shenzhen Technician College.

He said: "As a teacher, I want to contribute to the development of skills education, discover new players, and cultivate new seedlings. As a player, I want to create a game that integrates traditional Chinese cultural elements, so that players from all over the world can understand China. ,like China."

  Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhou Cong correspondent Yue Renxuan

  Yangcheng Evening News