Swedish table tennis star Truls Möregårdh will be suspended for ten Bundesliga matches next season and forced to fine 10,000 euros, writes the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The 20-year-old is being punished for having left German Neu-Ulm for Swedish Eslöv in the middle of the season, despite the fact that he should have already been registered for games in the Bundesliga also over the second half of the playing year.

In Germany, Süddeutsche Zeitung writes, there is no agreement that allows you to play in several leagues at the same time.

In response, his German club reportedly threatened to drop out of the league next season.

The move to Eslöv is not permanent.

It is most likely to be considered a loan, and the idea is for Möregårdh to be played in the Swedish league at the same time as he represents Neu-Ulm in the Champions League.

SVT Sport has applied for Truls Möregårdh.

MORE PINGIS: Hear from Truls Möregårdh about the decision to leave the Bundesliga

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Hear Truls Möregårdh about the decision to leave the Bundesliga Photo: TT/SVT