A serious scandal erupted around the Ecuadorian Sochi football player Christian Noboa.

His girlfriend Keviam Kaso, during a live broadcast on her page on one of the social networks, stated that she had caught a football player with two prostitutes in a Dubai hotel, after which Christian beat her.

Kaso said that the athlete hit her more than ten times.

And, according to her, this has happened before.

Subsequently, the girl deleted the recording of the broadcast from the account, but left a short video and her photo, which shows abrasions and bruises on her face and hands.

Caso also posted an emotional note addressed to the offender, but did not name it.

"I'm not ashamed of any of the blows you gave me, my love!

I am ashamed that I have kept silent about your violence and abuse in all possible forms for so long.

You hurt me, and I always convinced myself that everything would change.

In fact, I am ashamed of the fact that I hurt myself by giving every second of my life to a person whose only goal is a promiscuous sex life and all sorts of banality.

A person who does not feel love for anyone or anything, even for himself, ”the girl wrote.

She stressed that she decided to make public what happened to her in order to warn others.

“Thanks to all those who watched all these abuses from my beloved a thousand times and remained silent, I understand that I had to open my eyes and make this single decision.

And I make it public so that no one gets into this vicious circle with the offender.

If he does it once, he will do it a thousand times, and each time it will get worse.

Please don't let this happen," she added.

Keviam admitted that, having gone through this situation, she experiences not only physical, but also moral pain.

“It's not just beatings.

We also break from within.

We are not all made of stone.

I will not lose my essence, my love.

I still believe in love, in love forever.

Nothing hurts my heart.

Even the person whom I loved madly and who destroyed me, ”Caso said in a message.

After the appearance of this publication, Noboa soon closed comments on his own account, and later denied the allegations against him.

“She was drunk and angry.

I was not with her that night.

I was in another hotel in Dubai.

I didn't cheat on anyone and I didn't beat anyone.

Everyone knows that I'm not that kind of person.

I am always kind to people.

This is a very difficult situation, I would not wish anyone to be in it, ”the Sport-Express midfielder quotes.

Judging by the publications in social networks, Noboa and Kaso spent the previous evening together.

The footballer posted a video from a restaurant overlooking the Burj Khalifa tower.

The recording shows that he is sitting at the same table with Keviam, who is in a great mood and dances to the music.

What happened next remains unclear.

Christian Noboa has been performing in Russia since 2007.

Before Sochi, the midfielder of the Ecuador national team played for Rubin, Dynamo, Rostov and Zenit.

Previously, he was married to a Russian woman, Olga Romanova, who bore him two sons.

Their separation became known in 2018.

Commenting on the accusations against her ex-husband, Olga stressed that in eight and a half years of marriage she had never seen him aggressive and had not heard anyone around accusing him of such behavior.

“He never raised his hand to me and I never heard him do that to other people.

Moreover, for so many years of living together, there were no insults addressed to me.

Even a “fool” never sounded in my address, ”Romanova wrote.

Olga also noted another significant moment, which, in her opinion, will help form an opinion about the football player: after the divorce, she continued to move with her children to the cities where Christian plays.

“Is it possible if he was the one who insulted or used violence and pressure towards me or other people?

I know him very well.

In different situations.

We were able to part with dignity, without involving the media, protecting ourselves and our children as much as possible.

To leave on good terms, which we maintain to this day.

Relationships that from the first day to the present are filled with respect for what was between us, for our children and for what is now, ”concluded the player’s ex-wife.

As for Caso, Noboa met her after breaking up with Romanova.

In one of the interviews, the girl said that the first meeting with the football player took place on a plane that was heading from his native Guayaquil to Panama.

“We had neighboring places, and the conversation started by itself.

Two hours flew by.

It felt like we had known each other for many years.

After our communication continued already in correspondence and phone calls.

Christian invited me to join his vacation with the kids in Punta Cana.

And, you know, I agreed.

This is how our story began, ”Keviam shared.

She also admitted that she immediately felt a kindred spirit in Christian.

Subsequently, the girl moved to a football player in Sochi, while continuing to run a business of exporting shrimp and bananas to Europe and South America.

In addition, in Ecuador, the football player's girlfriend had a fleet of trucks for interregional transportation.

It is also known that Kaso has three children, and she is a lawyer by education, although she has never worked by profession.

Whether Keviam plans to contact law enforcement agencies about the incident is not reported.