The stands of the Al Bayt Stadium were like a blurred chessboard.

Black and white alternated, asymmetrical.

They were the colors of the Arab attire for men and women, the abayas, the hijabs, the tunics.

The Qatari elite, beneficiaries of a standard of living linked to nationality that cannot be accessed even by the third generation of migrants in Qatar, came as if they wanted to comply with what the Koran commands: "Son of


, put on your best clothes to go to the mosque.

A stadium is not a place of faith, but power is worth the best clothes.

The power that brings

Morgan Freeman

to his knees in the stadium , the same man who played

Nelson Mandela

in defense of freedoms that, today, do not prevail in the capital of football, in the center of a round but imperfect world.

Al Bayt has nothing to do with chess.

The stadium, in the city of Al Khor, takes the name 'bayt al sha'ar', which is the Arabic name for the tents of the Bedouins, desert nomads, also known as 'jaimas'.

"Football allows us to come together as a tribe and the store is the land we all live on."

It is one of the mottos of the opening ceremony of this World Cup, prior to the meeting between Qatar and Ecuador, which has turned the great 'jaima' into a place for discussion about human rights, violated by the organizer of the World Cup, by being governed by the 'Sharia', Islamic law.

In his box was the secretary general of the organization created after World War II to defend them,

Antonio Guterres



Those who could avoided them, but with a small mouth.

One day after the opening, US Secretary of State

Anthony Blinken

is expected in Doha.


Felipe VI

himself will go to Qatar to witness Spain's debut against Germany on Wednesday.

More than 4,500 million investments in Spain are well worth a walk, but with as few exposures as possible.

The privileged position of the tent had its risks, since

the crown prince of Saudi Arabia,

Mohamed bin Salman , sat next to the emir

Tamim Hamad bin Al-Thani


One of the most controversial figures on the international scene, accused of ordering the murder of critical journalist

Jamal Khashoggi

, dismembered in Istanbul by his secret service.

The presence of the Saudi heir is, however, a great diplomatic victory for Qatar, as it is the most threatening neighbor, by size and capacity, and instigator of the latest embargo against Qatar in the Gulf region.

In Arabia, where the Al-Thani dynasty actually comes from, they laughed when the father emir,

Hamad Khalifa bin Al-Thani

, requested the World Cup.

Now they bend to an influence that they have not been able to put into action.

the elites applaud

Hamad's arrival at the stadium, welcomed by his son, was greatly applauded in the stadium.

The Qataris know to whom they owe their well-being.

The Al-Thani have had the ability to, apart from amassing a fortune invested in businesses around the world, distribute wealth among a subsidized population, with a per capita income that doubles that of Spain.

So there is no Arab Spring, just applause.

"Welcome to the World Cup in the Arab world," proclaimed the Al Bayt public address system.

A world different from the Qatari, a country of deserted streets, even on the day their festival was inaugurated.

The promenade of La Corniche, next to the sea, on the other shore of the Pearl where the 'skyline' of the financial city of Doha is located, summoned more policemen than fans.

Groups of Argentines are hardly appreciated, the most faithful with their selection.

They never fail, wherever.

The Arab world, at least, gathered in the box of authorities, together with several African leaders.

Among them, former Liberian President and Ballon d' Or winner

George Weah


There was also the Palestinian president,

Mahmoud Abbas

, the same day that the first flight from Tel Aviv was received in Doha, despite the broken relations between Qatar and Israel.

The strength of football is an unstoppable engine if it is placed in the right direction, although football cannot be asked for what politics or companies do not do.

Everywhere there are hypocrites.

Gianni Infantino

is right about that


Otherwise, there is much to discuss.

We will have to wait to get out of the jaima, where now they play, and when the stars do, everyone is silent.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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