• Report The inside story of Gayá's goodbye: few hours of sleep, a very sad day and another 'child' flying to Qatar

Luis Enrique

is a guy who doesn't know how to sit still.

So he is skinny, almost consumed.

That's why when he retired from football he got on a bike and pedaled as if he were going to end the world (he brought the bike to Qatar, in fact).

That is why he was "spying" here and there to first incorporate the scaffolding, then the giant screen under the scaffolding and, finally, the walkie-talkies that, through an earpiece installed in the ears of the players, serve to give orders during training.

An innovator, a guy who looks to the future and who seems to be in a permanent search for goals.

So far good.

But being a 'streamer' has been a difficult step to assimilate even for those who think they know him the most.

It is difficult to locate the exact origin of his initiative, because he explained it this Friday in his debut.

"I saw my son, who spent hours and hours watching the streamers. And I don't know if it was his idea or mine, but wow, what started as a joke, well, he looks …", he explained.

There has been no participation from the Federation other than to help him with the technical means, because in the video that announced it the appearance was a bit gloomy.

For the first serious live show, they already fitted the appropriate lamps, suitable headphones and a 'streamer' chair decked out in the colors and logo of the Federation.

And there were people from the communication department next to him, of course, but if he keeps his promise to do a live show every day (except those of the match and those after that match), that will not continue to be the case.

After all, Luis Enrique has not consulted the initiative.

He communicated it to the Federation personnel a few days ago, taking it for granted.

And things went from more to less.

At 8:00 p.m., the Spanish time announced for his debut, there were already almost 50,000 people waiting for him (in fact, his channel, without having appeared yet, already had 166,000 subscribers; when it finished it was already at 210,000 subscribers).

But, at some point, it reached 150,000 viewers.

"These don't fit in the Camp Nou, right?" She joked for just over an hour, resolutely giving


his followers (as if he needed them) and hitting the END button before saying goodbye.

"What this amount of people does show is that either you are very bored and have a lot of free time or that you are very interested in the national team," she commented.

The benefits of Qatar

After a few first minutes quite lost, looking everywhere, asking for help without asking for it because the comments were an indecipherable cascade ("if you intend for me to read something, this would have to go a little slower," he asked), Luis Enrique he helped himself from


, the person in charge of social networks of the Federation, to act as a moderator, and instead of looking at the screen he looked at the posters that Héctor was putting up just after a salad and some fish.

He began by explaining the benefits of his arrival in Qatar.

He is delighted with the facilities of the University of Qatar, which he shares, wall to wall, with Argentina -by the way, he stated that if Spain does not win the World Cup, he wants the albiceleste to win-, and then he went into all the topics that they were filtering.

Before, yes, he saw


's name in the comments cascade at some point and he did not avoid it.

"Greetings to the great Amunike, whom I have great affection for. Now I haven't seen him for a long time, but I'm delighted that you remind me of it", was the most striking thing, and it is that the joke of "Luis Enrique, your father is Amunike "It's decades old.

Regarding the favorites to win the World Cup, he talked about the classics, nothing new, but he made it clear that he is not afraid of anyone.

"When I was a player, we were the fury of Spain, and you arrived at a World Cup and said: 'but, where are we going with the Fury?' We are smart, we are rascals, and we have to play with our weapons. The ball goes ground and have it as much as possible", explained the coach, who continued to hallucinate with the cataract of comments: "This is going faster than

Nico Williams

". Regarding the eleven that he will line up against Costa Rica next Wednesday, he says that he is clear about it, but that it will surely change because he likes to pay attention to the last training session. But we were ambitious: "When I see them train like this, the inexperience I forget it.

Look into cycling.

Indurain went to his first Tour at the age of 24, and now they go and win the Tour at 19".

Would he play in this team?

"I think that it would be the same among the 26, plus I create a very good atmosphere," he replied, before insisting that they have come here to win the World Cup, and if that happens... "I paint my hair or do a piercing, whatever."

More seriously: "Getting to the semi-finals would be a good result."

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  • Luis Enrique

  • Qatar