Race of Champions returns to Sweden and Pite Havsbad January 28-29.

Bottas was supposed to have already participated last year, but had to submit a late withdrawal.

Sebastian Vettel, Johan Kristoffersson, Petter and Oliver Solberg and Jamie Chadwick are already ready for the competition.

- I'm really looking forward to making my Race of Champions debut.

I have watched the competition on TV for many years, says the Finn in a press release.

Competing together with Hakkinen

In the national competition, Bottas will compete together with his compatriot, also two-time F1 champion, Mika Häkkinen.

- Whatever happens, I'm sure we will put on a fantastic show, says Bottas about the partnership.

SVT broadcasts Race of Champions.

ARCHIVE: Johan Ejeborg explains the Race of Champions (August 18, 2021)

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