AIK chairman Bosse Fasth said that the announcement was "bad for Swedish bandy".

Pär Gustafsson shares that picture.

- It is not positive for anyone.

I don't really see any bright spots.

It is not good for the sport, it is not good for our elite bandy and it is not good for Swedish bandy in general.

It is definitely not good for the players who have to look elsewhere, he tells SVT Sport.

- We want to see our fine sport grow all the time.

We want our little ones to have idols to look up to everywhere in the country.

The elite is important for our children and young people to come to our sport and see their idols perform on the ice.

AIK managed to play a match on both the women's and men's side.

Bandyn's competition unit must now decide how to cancel AIK's matches, as well as how to handle teams that leave.