Athletes: The large number of penalties indicates that club administrators are unfamiliar with their duties

Simple administrative mistakes cost clubs huge financial losses

  • A number of clubs are paying a heavy price for avoidable managerial errors.

    From the source


Minor administrative errors caused major financial and disciplinary penalties, which were signed by the Football Association’s Disciplinary Committee on some clubs, as a result of errors committed by the administrative apparatus of these clubs in general, including the club secretariat, according to a statistic monitored by “Emirates Today”, from During previous decisions of the Disciplinary Committee.

The reason for this is generally due to a number of administrators not being familiar with their tasks and duties as required, which caused, for example, financial penalties of up to 500,000 dirhams, due to violating the rules for registering underage players (minors), using unauthorized documents. Correct, and it is the penalty imposed by the Disciplinary Committee in its last meeting on the Dibba and Al-Bataeh clubs, who were fined half a million dirhams each.

In addition to this, fines of up to 40 thousand dirhams are added for violating the match protocol, the introduction of incorrect medical examinations for the team’s players on the electronic system of the Football Association, the absence of the team doctor on the bench, and the team’s failure to attend the match, in addition to the absence of an ambulance in the match stadium. And the absence of a paramedic with the team, as well as the team’s late arrival to the match stadium, the team’s entry to the match stadium when it was lacking in number, and other simple mistakes that could have been avoided.

educational workshops

Athletes emphasized that such administrative errors could have been avoided, but they cost some clubs great losses, including technical losses in the result of a match or the results of full matches, and not only financial fines and disciplinary penalties, stressing the importance of holding administrators accountable who make such mistakes.

They told "Emirates Today" that "such mistakes indicate a lack of awareness and knowledge of some administrators with the simplest tasks and responsibilities that they must perform."

They stressed the importance of educating and educating club administrators at all levels of their tasks and duties, so that their teams are not exposed to penalties and significant financial and moral losses at the same time.

The former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kalba Union Club, Issa Al-Dhabahi, stressed “the importance of organizing the Football Association or club administrations awareness sessions and workshops in this regard to educate administrators,” calling on the Football Association to help the clubs in introducing their administrators to the regulations and laws, especially those related to the Disciplinary Committee, and to send messages Alert clubs periodically in this regard.

Accounting for the defaulters

In turn, a member of the Competitions Committee in the former Football Association, Khaled Awad, stressed the importance of clubs being aware and bearing their responsibilities in order to avoid exposure to such fines and disciplinary penalties, considering that the financial fines imposed on the club are public money, so the club administrations must hold the team’s administrative apparatus accountable in In this regard, he stressed that “total reliance on the team’s secretariat does not absolve the team manager or the administrator from bearing responsibility,” and said: “This matter is a very big mistake.”

Awad explained: «I find these administrators an excuse in only one case, which is the late entry of the team to the stadium, because this matter involves several parties, such as the technical and medical sides, and the players themselves, so the team management cannot control this matter, although the delay in Going to the pitch is uncivilized, especially when there is a television broadcast of the match.”

He added: “There are some procedures, such as the protocol for matches, which is something that the responsible party, especially the Professional League, as well as the Football Association, must have flexibility in this regard in some matters that can be bypassed, so that attention is given to them, as for the issue of fines. It is assumed that the concerned team will bear it, taking into account the association or the Football Association, to reduce the burden on the clubs.”

costly mistakes

For his part, the former international and legal advisor, Salem Hadid, confirmed that “indeed, there may be very simple administrative errors, but they cost the club a lot, whether in terms of financial fines, or may even reach the loss of a match result,” noting that “there are many disciplinary penalties.” that some clubs are exposed to indicates that this or that administrator is not aware of his responsibilities, and that the administrator in question is not worthy of being in this position.”

He added, "These administrators who make such administrative mistakes must be held accountable, because the club is greatly affected by them."

Most common administrative errors

1- Violation of the rules for registering players with incorrect documents, the penalty for which is a fine of 500,000 dirhams.

2- Violation of the match protocol.

3- Entering incorrect medical examinations for players into the electronic system of the Football Association.

4- The absence of an ambulance in the stadium.

5- The team arrives late to the field.

6- The team's entry to the field minus the number.

7- The team doctor is not on the bench.

8- Not attending the match.

9- The absence of a paramedic with the team.

Nadia Al-Bataeh and Dibba were subjected to a large fine by the Disciplinary Committee of up to 500,000 dirhams each, due to the registration of underage players (minors) with incorrect documents. 

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