China News Agency, Moscow, October 30th. From October 29th to 30th, the "China Ambassador Cup Go Tournament-2022" was held at the China Trade Center in Moscow.

A total of more than 300 players from all over Russia participated in the competition and made friends with chess.

Pictured is the match.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tian Bing

  Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui sent a letter to the opening ceremony, and Sun Weidong, Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, read out the content of the letter.

He said that as one of the important activities under the framework of the "Sino-Russian Sports Exchange Year", the scale of the China Ambassador Cup Go Tournament was larger than in previous years.

Under the leadership of the heads of state of China and Russia, China and Russia have made clear the main direction for the future development of bilateral relations, and the pragmatic exchanges and cooperation between the two sides will undoubtedly be elevated to a higher level.

At the opening ceremony, traditional Chinese cultural performances such as drumming and lion dance were held.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tian Bing

  Russian Sports Minister Oleg Mattchin delivered a video address to the opening ceremony.

He said that under the framework of the Russia-China Sports Exchange Year, the two sides held a series of events and sports masterclasses, including this Go event.

This year is the tenth time for the China Ambassador Cup Go Tournament. In recent years, this tournament has become a landmark event that Russian Go fans have been looking forward to.

Go players and fans from all over Russia can also experience Go master classes and traditional Chinese culture during the event.

  From 1997 to 2005, the Chinese Embassy in Russia held five Chinese Ambassador Cup Go tournaments, which effectively promoted the popularization and development of Go in Russia.

In order to further deepen the Sino-Russian friendship through the holding of the Go event, the Embassy has actively cooperated with the Russian Go Association to resume hosting this event since 2018.

The Chinese Ambassador Cup Go Tournament is widely praised by Russian Go fans, and its influence in Russia continues to expand. At present, it has become the largest Go tournament in Russia and has been officially included in the event schedule of the Russian Ministry of Sports.
