German club president supports the safe use of fireworks in matches

Kai Bernstein, president of German football club Hertha Berlin, expressed his support for the partial legalization of the organized and safe use of fireworks in stadiums.

Bernstein said in an interview with the German newspaper "Die Zeit" in its issue to be published tomorrow: "I cannot accept anything that might pose a danger to other people, or any form of violence. But the current system (regarding fireworks) is useless."

He added, "I support the designation of part of the stands as a fireworks area, in which torches can be used legitimately and then extinguished immediately."

Bernstein had already spoken in the past about the responsible use of fireworks.

Bernstein was a member of the most enthusiastic fan club of Hertha Berlin.

It should be noted that the use of fireworks is prohibited in football stadiums, but they are fired frequently at matches, which opens controversial discussions between fans, football officials and politicians.

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