He has not had another season.

Of this year's eleven World Cup sub-competitions, Oliver Solberg has been forced to break six.

His best result came in Belgium where he finished fourth.

Therefore, it did not come as a huge shock when Hyundai announced that they will not be extending Solberg's contract.

- I know it was not an easy decision for them to make because the original plan has changed.

Regardless, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity given to me by Hyundai Motorsport to participate in the World Rally Championship with them.

We knew this season would be a learning period, and it has undoubtedly provided a lot of experience for the next phase of my career, Solberg said at the time.

And now it seems the next phase of his career may be here.

Solberg is in talks with Ford ahead of next season.

- They wanted to have a meeting, so we talked a bit, says Solberg.

How does it feel then?

- It's obviously great fun.

There aren't that many other teams and Ford is one of the best so it feels good.

I hope we can find a solution, that's what I want and it was a positive meeting, but you never know until everything is ready on paper.

CLIP: Oliver Solberg: "The difference in what they promised and what happened was very shocking" (October 7)

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Oliver Solberg: "The difference in what they promised and what happened was very shocking" Photo: TT/SVT