The derby between CSKA and Spartak fully met the expectations of the fans.

There was a place for everything at the VEB Arena: fast attacks, beautiful goals, controversial refereeing decisions and conflicts between football players.

Emotions blazed throughout the entire 90 minutes.

Not even without a skirmish head coaches.

The reason was the first ball of the army team.

Guillermo Abascal, the coach of the red-whites, was dissatisfied with the fact that the opponents did not react in any way to Roman Zobnin's attempt to stop the fair play game, since several people were lying on the lawn at once.

On the contrary, Milan Gaich immediately completed a throw to someone else's penalty area, which ended with an accurate shot by Fedor Chalov.

The episode aroused indignation in the Spaniard and he tried to call his colleague to answer in a raised voice.

First immediately after the episode, and then during the break.

Far less emotional Vladimir Fedotov restrained himself, but he answered harshly to the specialist at a press conference.

“I didn’t rush - you are exaggerating.

So, something jumped nearby.

I didn't understand what he was talking about.

Fair play?

And what is it?

The fact that the referee did not remove two players or even three?

Now look what it's about.

First, before that, there was an episode when Jorge Carrascal was hit with two legs.

Very aggressive tackle.

And he stayed on the lawn, and Spartak picked up the ball and then safely lost it.

And he said, "We're giving it back."

I didn’t understand what it was, ”said the specialist.

He was also surprised by Abaskal's reaction to the moment with Zobnin.

In his opinion, Roman should have kicked the ball out, and not spread his arms to the sides 60 meters before someone else's penalty area, when he had already made a loss.

In turn, Guillermo, communicating with reporters, was more calm and diplomatic than during the break, but remained with his own.

"Everything is very simple.

I said one phrase: "Fair play."

Fair game!

Do you remember the episode when their footballer was lying on the lawn, and Zobnin gave the ball and raised his hands up?

They just took advantage of this moment, ”the foreigner complained.

But Fedotov's words aroused indignation among other representatives of Spartak.

So, the head of the press service of the club, Dmitry Zelenov, supported the Spaniard and expressed regret that not everyone knows what the principles of fair play are.

But Zarema Salikhova, the wife of the former owner of the red-and-white Leonid Fedun, spoke out the most harshly.

“You can move to the capital, but it’s difficult to knock Sochi out of a person,” she said, hinting at the specialist’s former place of work.

The CSKA coaching staff did not remain silent in this situation.

Although Fedotov himself no longer commented on the skirmish with Abaskal, his assistant Oleg Fomenko did.

According to him, there was no conflict between them, but the Spaniard raised his voice to express dissatisfaction about the violation of the rules of the game.

“There was a camera, Abascal ran towards it.

Maybe he ran not to us, but to her.

I saw him yelling something about fair play.

To whom did he say this?

We were all standing there.

Emotional young man.

I have a slightly different personality.

All people are different.

Someone jumps and jumps, someone sits and swings, someone looks silently.

These are people's emotions.

That's what makes the world beautiful... Did you make faces?

He likes to grimace - it's his choice.

We have a free country, ”said the coach in an interview with Sport-Express.

He also noted that, together with his colleague, he perceived the behavior of his counterpart not only calmly, but even with a smile.

Fomenko also stressed that the Spaniard did not shake his hand after the final whistle.

He did not see that he thanked Fedotov for the game.

The specialist did not leave Salikhova's statement unanswered and recalled that she herself came to the capital from the region.

“Can Ufa be knocked out of her?

Not possible, according to her.

If you are a Muscovite, Moscow cannot be beaten out of you.

How many great people came out of small towns.

Absolutely not offended.

This is her personal opinion.

She didn't offend anyone.

If she thinks so, her right, ”added Fomenko.

Finally, he did not see in the actions of Zobnin, who became a bone of contention for the coaches, any manifestations of fair play.

He agreed with Fedotov in his assessment of this episode and emphasized that the midfielder, having lost the ball, simply decided to take advantage of the situation in order to prevent the opponent from attacking quickly.

Kirill Breido, director of communications for CSKA, tried to reassure the public.

He assured that Fedotov was not trying to offend Abaskal, but wanted to smooth out the conflict that had occurred during the break.

“If you look at the footage from the press conference, you can see that Vladimir Valentinovich was confused and, on the contrary, decided to lower the degree, stating that there was no throw from the head coach of the opponent, but there were body movements nearby, but no more.

When taken out of context, the wording is not very successful, but Fedotov did not want to offend Abaskal, ”Championship” quotes Breido.

But he called Salikhova’s words about the coach a manifestation of disrespect as a specialist, the Sochi football club and the city itself.

“This is just a direct insult ... You can compare and decide what is really an unpleasant statement,” Breido added.

However, this will probably be the end of the conflict, since the Control and Disciplinary Committee of the RFU did not pay any attention to the skirmish.

At the end of the derby, he will only consider entering the field for the second half of both teams with a delay of three and a half minutes.

However, it cannot be ruled out that it was caused, among other things, by the picks of specialists.

According to RT experts, Fedotov behaved within the bounds of decency and did not allow really harsh insults against his colleague.

So, the former captain of Spartak, Alexander Mostovoy, suggested that the mentor of the army in a fit of emotions might not understand at all what the foreigner wants from him.

“What else did he have to say to the Spaniard after that?

He didn't push him or send him.

The main question is different: was it worth it for the Spartak mentor to even try to express any claims of a counterpart, run away and tell him something?

What right does he have?

It was in the wrong place at all.

Remember the same Domenico Tedesco: he also regularly jumped on the curb and even clashed with Viktor Goncharenko.

While the German was giving results, everyone admired his emotionality, and when he left, they quickly forgot about him.

Everyone acts as their conscience allows,” Mostovoy emphasized.

Agreed with him and the winner of the UEFA Cup in CSKA Evgeny Aldonin.

He believes that the flash of the red-and-white mentor was more likely directed at his own players.

“It seems to me that this topic is more inflated by journalists.

It's a derby and the usual exchange of pleasantries.

I think Abascal had no right to jump up to Fedotov and start proving something to him, given that the second half was ahead.

On the part of the Spaniard, there was more acting for the wards.

It was important for him to show his indifference, the way he worries about the result.

And Fedotov's answer is his decision.

I don’t think he wanted to somehow offend and hurt, ”Aldonin said.

At the same time, in the episode with the first goal of the red and blue, both also took the side of Fedotov and emphasized: Zobnin should have waited for the referee's signal, and not try to stop the meeting himself.

“There is one immutable football rule – you have to play until the whistle.

For some reason Zobnin began to wave his hand in front of Gaich.

No matter why he did it.

There are situations when a person is lying on the lawn, having received a serious injury, and the opposing team continues to attack and score.

Here, even there was no talk of damage - then everyone got to their feet, ”Mostovoy added.

And according to Aldonin, for the red-and-white midfielder, what happened will serve as a lesson and henceforth he will not try to take on the functions of a referee.

“Obviously, the mistake was made by Zobnin.

Did Chalov have to stop and return the ball to his opponents?

Kick the ball out and then solve the questions.

There are rules of the game, and for some reason Roman decided to interpret them in his own way.

Never stop until you hear the whistle.

And Sergey Karasev showed it to him with all his appearance.

The referee made it clear that he was in charge of the game, not the players.

If Zobnin didn’t know about it, live forever - learn forever, ”summed up the UEFA Cup winner.