It was last week that Falu-Kuriren was the first to report on a serious fight at Leksand's training between Finnish center Mikael Ruohomaa and coach Björn Hellkvist.

It must have ended with Ruohomaa yelling at her trainer and having to leave training.

Sports director Thomas Johansson gives his view of the event with a week's perspective:

- It goes without saying that when something like that happens, there is something behind it and growing.

There were two people who were quite angry, not so angry at each other, but they got angry at each other in the end for slightly different reasons.

The reason for it was that they were going to have a meeting.

Ruohomaa thought they should have the meeting now and Björn was busy.

Then suddenly it was on fire for both of them.

It was nothing more than that.

Johansson believes that he did not have to step in to mediate between the parties, but that they talked it out among themselves.

- It turned out to be quite a big deal, but for us it wasn't.

We are a big family in Leksand and work together.

When there is a conflict, they are resolved within the family, he says.

The sporting director also tells us that 20-year-old Emil Heineman, who scored eleven goals last season, looks set to return to the club.

Right now he is suffering from a thumb injury that keeps him out of action, but when it is healed in a few weeks, he can leave the NHL club Montreal Canadiens and appear in Dalarna again.

- We may need to have more shooters in our team so that we can score goals.

There, Emil is an incredibly talented player.

He is a guy we could expect to score a lot of goals, says Johansson and continues:

- I have spoken with Montreal and he will get his rehab and take care of it.

Then we'll see how long it takes before it can be time for games in the SHL.

Leksand already has many stars among its forwards as they recently brought in Lucas Elvenes from HV71.

There, Johansson believes that coach Björn Hellkvist has a responsibility to keep the players happy, even though not everyone can play as much.

- It's the coaches' headache.

It is about a constant dialogue and communication with the players.

To put them in roles that suit them.

But of course the performance is ultimately decisive.

We will have fierce competition in our squad, he says.