Elias Ymer is ranked 125th in the world, second best Swede after his brother Mikael who is 99th.

During the day, Mikael Ymer went to the semi-finals in Florence.

- Elias gets a well-deserved wild card for this year's Stockholm Open.

He has shown a consistent game all season with many good games.

Not least he made a strong effort in the Davis Cup during the year, says competition leader Thomas Enqvist in a press release.

In the Davis Cup, Mikael Ymer beat, among other things, the 37-ranked Argentine Sebastian Baez, one of the best victories of the season.

In the last two tournaments in Seoul and Tokyo, however, there have been repasses in the qualifiers against lower ranked players.

CLIP: Mikael Ymer to the semi-finals in Florence - see the match ball

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Mikael Ymer is ready for the semi-finals - see the match ball Photo: Bildbyrån