Jane is proud to have a year he will never forget.

  After a long time, the prestigious ID "Uzi" reappeared on the field this year.

In the 11th year after his debut, his love and dedication to e-sports made him dare to challenge himself again.

  And after the summer, Jane is proud that she no longer has to be busy with training and competitions.

He was greeted with a new challenge in life - learning to be a father.


  "One wave!" Jane proudly roared in the live broadcast, his commentary was as passionate as the previous game.

  After announcing his goodbye to the summer split, Jane is proud to occasionally comment on LPL games, which is an important part of his daily life.

  However, more important roles await him than commentators.

  In June of this year, Jane's proud wife announced her pregnancy.

All along, he likes to use "Tingting" to call his other half, because it is more intimate with some accents.

"For me, the role of a father means taking responsibility, and there are more things to consider. I used to always think about doing what I want to do now; now before making a decision, I will think more about the future."

"Dad "This upcoming new identity has changed Jane's proud life.

Jane is proud to be exercising.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

  Tingting had severe morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, she was unable to eat for a time, and in the worst case, she needed to go to the hospital to hang water.

These experiences made Jane proud to deeply feel the hard work of giving birth to a new life.

When his wife prepares various supplies for the upcoming baby, he will help.

  From a well-known e-sports veteran to a slightly "young" prospective dad, Jane is proudly trying to adapt.

  In 2012, Jane, who was only 15 years old, started her career with pride and swept the field with the ID "Uzi".

Uzi, originally intended for a submachine gun.

  A gold medal in the Asian Games performance event, two runners-up in the global finals, one mid-season championship (MSI) championship, countless MVP titles... Just as his ID means, on the way to the top of the LPL division, Jane is proud to break through the enemy's front. of a submachine gun.

Jane is proud.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

  The situation in Summoner's Rift is changing rapidly, but it is far less complicated than life.

In the change of roles, Jane pride is also growing slowly.

"Remind yourself every time you are in a bad mood, you are a father and you have to be more prudent." In Jane's proud eyes, the arrival of a child is a surprise and a responsibility.

growing up

  2022, which belongs to Jane's pride, can be described as ups and downs.

  In the LPL spring season, he completed his comeback with the BLG team.

Nearly two years after announcing his retirement, Uzi is back on the field.

As an honorary e-sports player, Jane's proud live broadcast career has flourished after retirement.

At this time, the reason for choosing to return is nothing more than the word "love".

In his eyes, e-sports is "passionate, persistent, cruel, and unyielding."

  However, as a veteran, Jane proudly needs to pay more for training and competition.

Sometimes, even luck wasn't on his side.

The gap between expectations and reality always brings new challenges.

Jane is proud.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

  At the end of the spring, the BLG team made it to the playoffs, but Jane pride did not play.

At the beginning of the summer, he announced that the summer split would not be available.

  Although there are regrets, these experiences have made Jane proud to become more open-minded.

"It's about forcing yourself to face everything, whether it's good or not."

  As he said, there is always a bright side to life.

In June 2020, when Jane proudly announced her retirement, she introduced herself as suffering from diabetes.

After rest and regular exercise, his physical condition has improved a lot.

"After exercising, the body has been kept in a relatively relaxed state and more energetic."

  Ten years after stepping into the professional arena, Jane feels a lot of pride.

"Life is sometimes very much like a game field. No matter how pure you want to win, your will is not enough. Many things do not depend on personal will."

Jane is proud to play football.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee.


  Rewind the clock to four years ago.

Jane proud and teammates won the championship in the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends performance event, which was the most important moment of his career.

The "shock" brought by this experience has made Jane proud so far in her memory.

  “The first shock was when we arrived at our residence and lived with so many athletes, and I really realized that my performance on the field can bring glory to the country. The second shock was when the flag was raised after we won the championship. , I really feel very warm-blooded, and my heart is full of honor."

  At next year's Hangzhou Asian Games, e-sports will debut as an official event for the first time.

For many e-sports players, this is an incentive and affirmation, and so is Yu Jian's pride.

"I came out to play e-sports when I was a boy. I never thought in my life that I could win glory for the country by relying on this specialty. I envy the younger generation of players. They have the opportunity to see them at the Asian Games as a full-time athlete. The scene where the five-star red flag is raised."

Jane proudly competes in the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends performance event.

Image credit: Osports All Sports Photo Agency

  As a player, Jane is proud to witness the "good times" of Chinese e-sports.

  "In the years when I first debuted, e-sports players were generally considered to be a profession that should be banned. There were basically no good reviews, and they would not get much respect when they went out." In his recollections, there were many players who did not Recognized by his parents, he came to be a contestant at a young age and was poor, "In our time, some people had a really bad life."

  Because of this contrast, from the perspective of Jane's pride, the entry of e-sports into Asia is epoch-making, which means that the industry is recognized by more people.

"Now there are more players recognized by parents, and the management of the club has become more formal. Our perseverance in the past is worth it."

"This is a very good era for e-sports, and we must cherish it."

Jane said proudly.

Interview excerpts

Q: How is your life now?

  A: At present, my living status is live broadcast work, fitness and taking care of Tingting, so I am not particularly busy.

Now I will exercise regularly, and my body has been kept in a relatively relaxed state after exercise, and I am more energetic.

Q: You explained the LPL Summer Split earlier.

What is the difference between commenting the game and playing the game?

  A: There is still a big difference between commentary and competition.

Although I was very involved in the commentary, it was still the mentality of a bystander, and the emotions about winning and losing were not so intense, so it must be a lot easier.

  When I see a player make a good move or make a mistake, my reaction is similar to that of the audience - I want to applaud or feel sorry.

The difference may be that I'll look in more detail.

Q: It's been a special year for you: you're back on the field to challenge yourself and soon be a father again.

How have these experiences changed you?

  A: These experiences have made me more open-minded, forcing myself to face everything calmly, whether it is good or not.

Sometimes life is like a game field. No matter how pure you want to win, your will is not enough. Many things do not depend on personal will.

  For me, the arrival of the child was a great surprise.

Every time I'm in a bad mood, I remind myself: You're a father, you need to be more prudent.

Q: How did you prepare for the arrival of your baby?

What does the role of a father mean to you?

  A: Preparing all kinds of things for the baby is all Tingting is worrying about. I will help her.

Tingting had severe morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, and she was unable to eat because of the vomiting. In the worst case, she went to the hospital to hang water. She really experienced the hardships of pregnancy.

For me, the role of a father means taking responsibility and there are more things to think about.

In the past, I always thought that I would do what I want to do now; now, before making a decision, I will think more about the future.

Q: Your career has almost been accompanied by the development of the LPL division and even the entire Chinese e-sports industry.

What has impressed you most in this process?

  A: It should be the social recognition of event packaging and e-sports players.

In the first few years of my debut, e-sports players were generally considered to be a profession that should be banned.

  But now that eSports has entered Asia, eSports players can be classified as athletes.

The World Championship Finals has also become a game that has attracted the attention of the people. Everyone will celebrate in the streets and celebrate that the Chinese team has won the world championship again.

All our perseverance was worth it.

When I was a kid, I came out to play e-sports. I never thought in my life that I could win glory for the country by relying on this specialty.

  I am very envious of the younger generation of players, who have the opportunity to see the five-star red flag raised at the Asian Games as the main players.

This is a very good era for e-sports, and it must be cherished.

Q: What do you think of e-sports becoming an official event of the Asian Games?

You once won the champion of the League of Legends performance project with your teammates at the Asian Games in Jakarta. When you look back now, how do you feel differently?

  A: For players and the industry, the entry of e-sports into Asia is of epoch-making significance, which shows that e-sports has been recognized at a high level.

  In the past, there were many players who were not recognized by their parents and came to be players at a young age.

In our day, some people had a really bad time.

Since the social identity of e-sports players has changed, more players have been recognized by their parents, and the management of clubs has become more formal.

When I think back to the Asian Games in Jakarta, the feeling that gave me at that time was two words: shock.

The first shock was when we arrived at our residence, living with a lot of athletes, and I really realized that my performance on the field could bring glory to my country.

The second shock is that after we won the championship, when the national flag was raised, I really felt very warm-blooded and my heart was filled with a sense of honor.

Q: You are an idol for many teenagers who look to you as an example.

What impact do you hope to bring to them?

Are there plans to use your influence to do something in the future?

  A: I suffer from the wrong love, I can't afford it.

I'm just a fat guy who can play games.

  I feel that many of my fans are already working, after all, I debuted relatively early.

If there are young fans, my opinion is: study hard and serve the motherland.

  The road of e-sports is difficult to walk, and it is more important to study hard.

If you are not an adult, remember to abide by the anti-addiction rules and don't play excessively.

  In the future, I want to do more for League of Legends and eSports.

At the anniversary of League of Legends, Mingkai and I became LPL cares public welfare ambassadors.

In the future, I will also work with LPL to contribute my modest efforts to the public welfare.

  What else can I do, and I hope you can give me some advice.

Q: In your mind, what is e-sports?

  A: In my mind, e-sports is an industry, where I exist.

To use some words to describe e-sports is: blood, persistence, cruelty, unyielding.

Q: What are your expectations for the S game?

  A: I hope LPL can win another championship.

  (Reporter Wang Haoyuechuan)