Build a strong sports country and provide strong positive energy to the society (commentator observation)

  On the outdoor lawn, playing Frisbee has become a new trend of sports for young people; when they come home from get off work, many people follow the online live broadcast to do aerobics; in hot summer, indoor ski resorts have become a new choice for citizens to escape the summer heat... Nowadays, sports and fitness are new New forms of the project emerge in an endless stream, and the people are enthusiastic about participating in sports and fitness activities, showing a healthy, sunny and high-spirited style of the times.

  Sports is an important way to improve people's health, an important means to satisfy the people's yearning for a better life, and an important means to promote people's all-round development, an important driving force for economic and social development, and an important platform to demonstrate the country's cultural soft power.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must carry forward the Chinese sports spirit, promote sports ethics, promote the coordinated development of mass sports, competitive sports, and the sports industry, and accelerate the construction of a sports power." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Mass sports have flourished, competitive sports have achieved brilliant results, and the sports industry has seen many bright spots. my country's sports undertakings have made remarkable achievements.

To speed up the construction of a sports power on the new journey, we must grasp the position that the dream of a sports power is closely related to the Chinese dream, deepen sports reform, update sports concepts, and continuously create a new situation for the development of sports in our country.

  If sports are strong, China will be strong, and if national sports are prosperous, sports will be prosperous.

In the age of poverty and weakness, the "Three Questions for the Olympics" not only conveys people's love for competitive sports, but also full of enthusiasm for the country's prosperity.

From "sending an athlete to the Olympic Games" to "sending a representative team to the Olympic Games", from "hosting an Olympic Games by itself" to Beijing becoming the world's first "city with two Olympics", the century-old Olympic Games have witnessed the changes of the national sports.

For the Chinese, sports carry the dream of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

To speed up the construction of a sports power, we must improve the comprehensive strength of competitive sports, better play the role of the national system, make competitive sports better, faster, higher and stronger, improve the ability to win glory for the country, and let sports provide strong positive energy to the society .

The majority of sports athletes are firm and confident, and they have made great achievements in major international events, and they will surely make new contributions in the construction of a sports power.

  Sports is not only the proper meaning of a country's prosperity, but also an important part of people's healthy and happy life.

To build a strong sports country and a healthy China, the most fundamental thing is to enhance people's physique and protect people's health.

Statistics show that more than 400 million people in my country regularly participate in physical exercise, and more than 90% of urban and rural residents have passed the "National Physical Fitness Measurement Standard".

By the end of 2021, the number of sports venues across the country will increase to 3.971 million, with an area of ​​3.41 billion square meters.

Sports is becoming a way of life, polishing the healthy background of people's happy life.

To speed up the construction of a strong country in sports, we must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, take the people as the main body of sports development, take meeting the people's fitness needs and promoting people's all-round development as the starting point and end point of sports work, and implement the national fitness strategy for the whole people. Continuously improve people's health.

  The development of sports is not only an important part of realizing the Chinese dream, but also provides a strong spiritual force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, Chinese athletes were not afraid of strong players, fought tenaciously, and won glory for the country. The five-star red flag flew high, and every Chinese son and daughter felt honored.

From the spirit of the Beijing Olympics to the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics, from the spirit of the women's volleyball team to the spirit of Chinese sports, the majority of sports workers have achieved both sports performance and spiritual civilization again and again.

To achieve the goal of strengthening the country through sports, it is necessary to combine the promotion of the Chinese sports spirit with the firm cultural self-confidence, constantly open up a new situation for sports in the new era, and inspire Chinese sons and daughters to move forward bravely toward the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Since the beginning of this year, documents such as the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Health" have been successively issued, and the newly revised "Sports Law of the People's Republic of China" will come into force on January 1, 2023, providing a more solid foundation for the strategy of building a strong country in sports and a healthy China. institutional support.

As the seeds of national fitness take root and sprout in a wider land, the pace of building a strong sports country will be further accelerated, which will surely lay a solid and healthy foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  "People's Daily" October 13, 2022, 15th edition