Kristianstad offered a smaller bang in the premiere when they won the derby against Lugi last week.

They followed up the fine effort by winning the home opener against Skara today.

The away team had the lead for a while by four balls in the first half which ended 14-14, and it was even until the end.

The score was 28-28 with five minutes left in the game.

Then the victory came from Kristianstad, who were suddenly in the lead with five balls, 33-28.

The coup de grace was when Maja Lindborg nicely lobbed in 31-28, and Beyza Karacam twisted the ball and scored just seconds later.

Otherwise, Siw Aabech excelled with ten goals on eleven shot attempts.

In the end it was a victory with a margin of five balls, 34-29, and for Skara it was the second straight loss.

FROM YESTERDAY: Skövde decides here - with the Japanese in the final seconds

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Wild cheers in Skövde Sports Hall after Elma Örtemark's decision.

Photo: C More