Who remembers Ms. Yan Jiarong?

Not a rhetorical question.

In Germany, most people have probably already forgotten who she is: the spokeswoman for BOCOG, the Chinese organizing committee for the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing 2022.

On Wednesday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, also dealt very indirectly with Yan Jiarong in a report.

In Xinjiang, where the Muslim Uyghur minority lives, it is documented on 48 pages that there have been "large-scale arbitrary deprivations of liberty".

And quite fundamentally: “serious violations of human rights” that “could constitute crimes against humanity”.

When the topic was discussed at a press conference in Beijing during the 2022 Winter Games, Yan Jiarong, although not asked, replied on the official Olympic stage: "These questions are very much based on lies."

And it says everything about the Chinese partners of the International Olympic Committee that they now have to lie again in order to at least keep lying to their people.