The Swedish national team has been reunited after the EC exit this summer.

Now the preparations for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand are in sight and on Tuesday they meet Finland in the last qualifying match.

With the pre-camp in Visby are, as usual, three goalkeepers.

Even if Hedvig Lindahl is not selected in the squad, the competition is great between Jennifer Falk, Zecira Musovic and Emma Holmgren.

Because even though Peter Gerhardsson believes that he has not yet chosen a first-choice goalkeeper, he also stresses that such a thing is not obvious to have.

- I have spoken against this with the first goalkeeper.

When you come to a national team, it is the best who must stand and if it is even, different can stand.

It is not stated that we will have a starting goalkeeper.

Then it may happen that someone plays several matches in a row, but then it is because they have been better, says Gerhardsson.

"Playing in one of the best teams in the world"

With the development she has had in her club team Chelsea, Zecira Musovic is eager to shoulder the role of first goalkeeper in the national team and the club team, a goal the 26-year-old is working towards.

- My goal is clear and that is to be number one in Chelsea and in the national team, I am very satisfied with the development I have had recently, so I am in exactly the right place to reach my goals, says Musovic.

Chelsea first-choice goalkeeper Ann-Katrin Berger has been given the tough news that she has thyroid cancer again, which will keep her out of action.

With this, the Swedish Musovic will have to step forward and take greater responsibility, something that can strengthen her shares in the national team as well.

- I play in one of the world's best club teams, so I think it's a good start.