Five-time Olympic champion in cross-country skiing Johannes Klebo called for the reinstatement of the Russian team and allow it to participate in the upcoming season.

As you know, at the end of February, the FIS suspended domestic athletes from international competitions under its auspices because of the events in Ukraine.

The decision has been declared indefinite until further notice while it remains in effect.

“For the sake of the common good, they need to be allowed to start.

We are talking about incredibly good skiers, which we would like to have around.

They tend to compete for podium places and wins at world championships.

I always want to compete with the best and defeat the best, ”RIA Novosti quotes Klebo with reference to Dagbladet.

The statement of the eminent Norwegian was somewhat unexpected, because a few weeks ago he confidently stated that he did not need to compete with the Russians, and in particular with Alexander Bolshunov, in order to motivate himself.

It is probably becoming increasingly clear to Western athletes that the lack of meaningful competition will be detrimental to their own careers as well.

So, according to the President of the Russian Ski Racing Federation Elena Vyalbe, sport in general loses due to sanctions, especially in those sports where Russians are world leaders, such as synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics.

“Athletes just need to compete with the strongest!

I am sure that the television picture without leaders will no longer be so attractive, and fans will not be happy to attend competitions!

Therefore, I agree with Klebo, Russia should be represented in the international arena!

It is a pity that the head of the IOC, Thomas Bach, forgot or did not know that sport has always united countries and people and was out of politics, ”RIA Novosti quoted Vyalbe as saying.

According to the head coach of the national team Yuri Borodavko, the current statement of the Norwegian speaks of the existence of corporate ethics, and also that earlier the skier could not always speak more frankly.

“The closer the competitive season, the more common sense.

The non-participation of Russian athletes is not only a blow to competition, to the watchability of competitions, but also a financial blow.

Many sponsors, many spectators will refuse to watch, there will be a decrease in interest in cross-country skiing.

All this together will lead to negative consequences for the entire International Ski Federation.

I would like there to be much more such sensible thoughts, so that our colleagues separate flies from cutlets, ”Match TV quotes Borodavko.

At the same time, the silver medalist of the 2014 Olympic Games, Alexander Bessmertnykh, believes that Klebo's words can hardly be called a sign of any change in public opinion in the West regarding the removal of the Russians.

“If some high-ranking official said this, then it would be possible to treat such a statement differently.

But Klebo spoke simply as a skier.

He, of course, understands that in recent years competition has developed between him and Alexander Bolshunov, and without our skier he will simply not be interested in running.

I think anyone in his place, on a sporting basis, would have expressed the same.

Politics is politics, but sports and life are different.

And to deprive yourself of a part of this life is not good.

After all, you run in order to prove that you are the best in the world, and when all rivals have been removed and there is no one to compete with, the life of an athlete loses its meaning to some extent, ”said the former skier in an interview with RT.

In his opinion, the authority of Johannes is not enough for the FIS and other international structures to reconsider their positions towards Russia.

“This is just the opinion of one person, and no matter what he says, the policy will most likely not change because of this.

Perhaps other skiers who respect him will listen and think: "If Klebo says so, then we should allow it."

And the politicians are absolutely violet what he thinks.

If even European businessmen are being hindered, their business is being destroyed and they are not allowed to do business with Russia, then what can we say about a simple athlete.

In addition, European governments prohibit the issuance of Schengen visas to Russians.

And even if our skiers are invited to the World Cup, they may simply not be allowed into a country without a Schengen visa.

So there are a lot of political issues that cannot be resolved only thanks to the words of one Klebo, ”Bessmertnykh emphasized.

A similar opinion was expressed by two-time world champion Olga Zavyalova.

According to her, the performance of the Norwegian says, first of all, that the athletes themselves want to compete with the strongest.

“After all, Norwegian skiers have always competed with Russia, and now they just get the national championship in any tournament.

But I can't believe that Klebo's words will affect anything.

If all foreign athletes spoke like that, expressed their opinion, then, perhaps, they would have been listened to.

And so this is only one vote, albeit from the leader in our form, ”said Zavyalova RT.