At the beginning of August, Petter Northug, with, among other things, two Olympic gold medals on his merit list, announced that he is no longer just an exerciser but is making a serious commitment to the long-distance Ski Classics cup.

This weekend, the 36-year-old Norwegian competed in the 48 kilometer Alliansloppet on roller skis in Trollhättan.

It was a tough challenge.

- It was heavy.

I think this is my first 50 kilometers since 2018. I regretted it after one kilometer, he tells SVT Sport.

But despite the feeling after the heavy weekend, Northug does not regret his choice to bet on the winter long race.

- No, I need this training to get in shape.

I'm looking forward to ski classics races.

I long for winter.

I will spend September, October and November training hard.

Northug, who finished his career in 2018, believes he can do well.

- We'll see how the training goes this autumn.

But if I get good training and get some flow, I think I can assert myself well in some races, says Northug.

Ski Classics is broadcast on SVT Sport.

The season begins on December 10 in Bad Gastein.