It was after an irritated situation in a match between Luleå and Djurgården in November last year that Djurgårds player Peter Holland ripped off Fredrik Styrman's helmet and then dealt several blows to his head.

Holland was suspended for four matches and fined just over SEK 40,000.

Styrman missed the rest of the season due to a concussion, and now he announces that his career is over.

- I still get concussion symptoms when I exert myself and the doctors have advised me not to continue playing, says Styrman to Norrländska Socialdemokraten.

Have started studying

The 31-year-old feels good on a daily basis and says he doesn't feel sorry for himself.

- I understood that the career would end at some point.

It does that for everyone.

But I hoped to play for many more years, and it feels too damn good that it ended the way it did.

At the same time, hockey is not everything, he tells the newspaper

Fredrik Styrman has now started studying economics instead and is a new father.

- Of course I will miss hockey.

But few are blessed to work with their hobby as long as I did, and I'm only looking forward now, says Fredrik Styrman to NSD.

CLIP: Archive: Mate to hospital after fight (October 14, 2021)

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Mate to hospital after fight Photo: Bildbyrån