Anicet Mbida 06:52, August 29, 2022

Anicet Mbida delivers to us every morning what is best in terms of innovation.

This Monday, he is interested in the Toxoplasma Gondii virus.

It is an amazing parasite since it acts positively on the physique of people who have contracted it.

In general, viruses are known to cause disease.

You have found a virus of a new kind: a virus that makes you beautiful.

Once infected, one becomes more desirable and more attractive.

It's like gaining 10 or 20 sex appeal points.

To understand, you have to remember how viruses work.

You should know that their main objective (their reason for being) is to reproduce: to multiply and multiply again by contaminating as many people as possible.

To achieve this, some go so far as to modify the organism and the behavior of the one they have contaminated so that it facilitates the transmission of the virus.

This is the case of Toxoplasma Gondii, an amazing parasite since it makes rats more attractive to females and gives them a more fickle behavior.

All this obviously so that they have a better chance of mating and therefore of transmitting the virus.

Does it also work on men and women?

Apparently yes !

This is what a researcher from the University of Turku in Finland has just shown.

He realized that men infected with this virus had higher testosterone levels, were less afraid of failure, and therefore were more enterprising…just like mice.

The impact would also be physical.

The faces of infected people would be more symmetrical.

And when it comes to women, their body mass would be lower.

They would have more self-confidence and would find themselves prettier.

Then yes !

The virus would have an effect, both in men and women.