The cross-country team is at pre-season camp in Torsby.

Johanna Hagström is in the squad, but she is hampered by a shoulder injury and is therefore forced to train with a stick.

- It's okay and no major danger.

It started to hurt a month and a half ago.

It's been a bit tough, but it's not a huge injury, says Hagström.

"That which is the tough part"

She was recently x-rayed and an overuse injury was diagnosed.

When Hagström can return to full training is unclear.

- That is what is the tough part.

We have not laid out any real plan for the future, but the coming time will have to decide a little.

Are you worried about the start of the season?

- No no no.

It's more that you want to get over it as quickly as possible.

It's boring to walk around at half speed.

Hagström has four podiums in the World Cup in the last three seasons.

Everyone has come in sprints.

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Clip: This is where Elvira Öberg falls at the World Cup - eliminated in the qualifiers: "Cursed"