• Santi Mina Sentenced to four years in prison for sexual abuse


de Vigo

announced this Tuesday, through a press release published on its website, that it has reached an agreement with

Al Shabab

for the transfer of striker

Santi Mina

to the Saudi team until June 30, 2023.

The footballer had not played an official match with Celta since at the beginning of last May he was sentenced, in the first instance, to four years in prison for a crime of sexual abuse committed in Almería in the summer of 2017 when he was still a player of the Valencia.

Separated from the team since then, in mid-July Santi Mina demanded, through a burofax, his return to first team training because the sentence is not yet final, although Celta prevented him from playing the summer games.

The departure of Santi Mina will allow the Galician team to free up wages to address the signing of the center forward that Argentine coach

Eduardo Coudet

has been demanding in recent weeks, since right now he only has

Iago Aspas


Gonçalo Paciencia

to play in the line of attack.

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  • RC Celta de Vigo