"What kind of people do universities want to cultivate?" Zhong Bingshu, the former president of the Capital Institute of Physical Education, gave the answer to this question: "People who meet the needs of social development. It probably includes cooperation with others, problem solving, innovative thinking, pursuit of excellence, and teamwork. Spirit, this is the core quality that countries advocate when cultivating talents."

  "So, where can I simulate the actual situation to improve the corresponding literacy?" Zhong Bingshu said, "That is sports."

  As an important soil for the development of national sports, college sports, as the final stage of school sports, is an important connection point between school sports and social sports, as well as an important link in the implementation of lifelong sports, especially guiding college students to participate in sports in an infectious and penetrating way The sports clubs in the sports club carry the passionate and hard-working youth of countless sports enthusiasts, inject vitality into traditional sports projects, and place dreams for unpopular and niche projects.

  In order to record the vigorous development of sports forces in colleges and universities, this newspaper will launch a series of reports on "University Sports Association Tour", focusing on the same wonderful sports stories in different campuses.


  When the niche Frisbee movement has become synonymous with "fashionable" in the urban life circle in the past two years, it has silently completed a 16-year throw in a college in Ningbo.

  Originally, this was a club with only 20 or 30 members. Except for the foreign teachers and the founder Yao Xi, the five or six "elders", the other members were mostly "connected households" who came from the "elders", roommates, Friends, girlfriends of friends, among the remaining members, the purpose of "come to practice English" is more than "come to play Frisbee".

  This is the prototype of the UFO Frisbee Club of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China established in 2006.

Today, as one of the earliest student Frisbee clubs in China, the club has nearly 300 members, covering all grades of the school.

  "In the first two years of the club's establishment, everyone didn't really like this sport." Yao Xi remembered that the awareness of Frisbee in China was "basically zero" at that time, and the introduction and basic movement skills of Frisbee were printed separately on two A4 sheets. On the paper, stacks of leaflets were printed and passed to the freshmen of the new class through the hands of the members who were left behind "because of love".

Slowly, the charm of the movement itself and the gradually strengthened social attributes helped the club to attract and retain new members, and the Frisbee movement accompanied by the news of the Frisbee Club was also constantly updated through social media such as QQ, intranet, Weibo, WeChat official account, etc. Radiated to more colleges and universities, filling the college time of several young people.

  Like Yao Xi, Xu Yingfeng only came into contact with Frisbee during college. At first, it was difficult for them to imagine that their future career would be related to such an unpopular sports.

In 2008, six classmates including them founded the "Yikun Sports" Frisbee Company, and the passionate students of that year gradually grew into senior practitioners.

Since then, they have developed Frisbee equipment, held competitions, and carried out long-term project promotion activities.

Today, the Frisbee produced by the company has been "flyed" to more than 50 countries and regions, and almost all of the founding members are engaged in the promotion of Frisbee sports.

  "Now the school clubs will have more creative ideas and implement them in the presentation of the entire event." Xu Yingfeng, who left the school, never looked away. Every year, Ningbo University of Nottingham Ningbo Sports Center and Ningbo Nottingham UFO Frisbee Club jointly build In the Frisbee open competition, the company will provide equipment, equipment, bonuses and technical support. "Although there is no referee in the Frisbee competition, there are observers. We will help athletes better perform self-judging and practice the spirit of Frisbee."

  "Whether it's a student or a graduate, every member of the club will promote Frisbee to the people around him." She Huayi, the current president of the Frisbee Club, feels the spirit of inheritance. In her opinion, although everyone is building a small society, But the goal is always lofty, "to let more people understand the fun of Frisbee, and to make Frisbee sports better develop in China".

  Judging from the development track of Frisbee sports in China, the goal mentioned by She Huayi is not "fantasy".

"The development of Frisbee in colleges and universities is very important for the promotion of Frisbee's influence in China and the improvement of its initial level. Many people have been exposed to the Frisbee project in school. After graduation, they will bring the project to more scenes in the society." China Frisbee Country Liang Zhuang, the former head coach of the team, said that in the beginning, only a few colleges and universities in China had frisbee, and now there are no less than two or three hundred. Most of the practitioners who are currently active in the industry are from the University of Nottingham Ningbo and Tianjin Institute of Physical Education. Some universities and colleges that first carried out Frisbee sports and some social Frisbee teams in the early days.

  With the development of the project, on the basis of the club, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China has established the Frisbee school team and invited Liang Zhuang, who is well versed in the importance of sports in colleges and universities, to teach.

The players felt the "standard" of the national team. "In addition to the two scheduled training sessions per week, Mr. Liang Zhuang will also ask us to strengthen physical training. We have to get up at 7 in the morning and run 10 laps on the playground." Zhang Zhifan is a member of the club. He is also a member of the school team. At the beginning of August, he followed the school team to participate in the Jinan Frisbee Open. This was the first time he went out to participate in a large-scale competition. Whenever he recalled the "full house" that he tried his best to fly and score in exchange for his teammates, He felt that all the hard training was worth it.

He remembered that he used to watch football games, and he would often sweat for the goalkeeper to make a save. Now, in the frisbee game, he can also be the one who jumped to save. "When I try my best to receive this set, I will I feel very excited and very enthusiastic.”

  But in Yao Xi's memory, the experience of participating in the early UFO community was more touching than blood.

In 2006, Yao Xi participated in the Shanghai Frisbee Championship with the encouragement of a foreign teacher. He went to the arena full of expectations, only to see two teams from China.

But the family-like atmosphere on the scene quickly dispelled the anxiety brought about by the competition. Even on the field, the attributes of the Frisbee sport itself made the competition atmosphere very friendly.

  There are no referees in frisbee sports, and all conflicts in the game are resolved through negotiation between two players directly related to the field.

Yao Xi remembered that even in the finals, there was no situation where the atmosphere became embarrassing due to disputes over scoring. The athletes put the guarantee of the smoothness of the game in the first place. What everyone pursued was to use strength to learn and communicate. , instead of defeating the opponent, "I am a sports student, and my understanding of sports has always been to win or lose, and in the field of Frisbee sports, I have seen people who are driven by love and devote themselves to a project, communicate and build friendships. ."

  Due to the short time contact with the Frisbee, Yao Xi and his teammates only defeated another team from China and did not achieve better results.

But before leaving, the organizer suddenly awarded a trophy to the team, "It's said to be a reward for the champion of the Chinese team." Even though he knew that the trophy was full of "encouragement," this warm move strengthened Yao Xi's commitment to Frisbee sports. love.

  She Huayi was equally fascinated by the friendly atmosphere of the Frisbee game.

After each game, the players of the two teams often stand in a circle, and the captain summarizes the game in the middle, and will thank the other team for their wonderful performance and give encouragement.

"I have also participated in many sports before, and everyone is very united, but it is rare to see such a good atmosphere between two rival teams on the field. This is the most important reason that attracts me to participate in Frisbee sports."

  "People who play Frisbee together are like family." Xu Yingfeng said.

Even though the first-generation members of the Frisbee Club of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China have been graduating for a long time and go their separate ways, Frisbee is always the link that connects everyone. If the club has a competition that requires graduates to play, everyone will not shirk.

In order to participate in the championship held in Shanghai a few years ago, a member flew back from Germany to participate. Last month, he went to play the Midsummer Tournament in Hangzhou. Although it was a small event with only 6 teams participating, there were still members who just got off work and left. Xi'an came over and went back to work immediately after the weekend game.

"This kind of team cohesion, after more than ten years, is still so strong." Yao Xi said with emotion.

  Nowadays, the popularity of Frisbee sports in China has gradually increased, and more and more people have joined it.

Yao Xi said, "I went to Guangzhou to watch a national open last month. In the past, 80% of the competition was foreigners, but now 90% are Chinese."

  Regarding the reasons for the "out of the circle" of Frisbee sports, the respondents generally believed that Frisbee was easy to learn, recreational, competitive and ornamental. In addition, it had very low requirements for venues, and it could be played in open spaces such as parks and squares. , the feature of "avoiding physical collision" allows men and women to compete on the same stage, and has certain social attributes, so it can well meet the needs of urban young people in sports, social interaction, and curiosity. "It is not the Frisbee that chooses young people, but It is young people who choose Frisbee." In Liang Zhuang's view, Frisbee is gradually extending from universities to primary and secondary schools. "As more and more people participate, the channels for talent selection will become wider and more selective. More."

  After witnessing the development of frisbee sports in China for nearly 20 years, Yao Xi found that the domestic frisbee sports have long been in a state of constant new recruits but not many retained people. There is still a huge room for exploration at the level. "The next three to five years will be in a stage of infancy or adolescence." In his view, as a new sport, the significance of Frisbee's development lies in advocating mass sports to focus on participation, The spirit of friendship first, "It's important to get more people involved in sports, rather than staring at a gold medal."

  The increase in the demand of the masses has accelerated the construction of the competition platform.

After getting the news of the launch of the first National Frisbee League, Yao Xi immediately contacted the classmates who had been training together in the Frisbee club in college, and formed a "UFO Veteran Team" to prepare for the competition. It's enough to keep getting pleasure out of it."

  Intern Chen Haoyuan Fan Zijing China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Liang Xuan Trainee reporter Bi Ruoxu Source: China Youth Daily