Before the EC tournament, there was talk that the championship would be the biggest ever for women's football.

Both when it comes to interest but also audience.

Something you have achieved.

England team captain, Leah Williamson, believes that the tournament is not the end of the development of women's football but the beginning.

But also that it is about so much more than just the sport.

- This has not only been a change for women's football, but also for society in general, how we are viewed.

And I think that tomorrow (read today) is not the end of a journey, but the beginning of one, she says before the finale.

Full final against Germany at Wembley

The final against Germany is played at Wembley and it is expected to be packed.

Which would mean an audience figure of roughly 90,000.

- It is clear that it is my job to go out and win.

But I think when we look back at the tournament as a whole, we've started something.

And like I said, I think tomorrow is the start.

I want it to be the beginning.

I want this to be a point of reference for the future, and not look back at what has been.

The EC final kicks off at 18.00, but SVT2/Play broadcasts from 17.00.

Coolest goals from the EC

  • Diani makes it 1-1 with a long shot

    17 sec

  • Russo's dream goal to make it 3–0

    23 sec

  • Popp scores 4-0 after a dream attack

    43 sec

  • Stanway's class finish - slams in England's lead goal

    19 sec

  • Blackstenius' beautiful goal to 5-0 Sweden

    54 sec

  • Dream goal of the Netherlands

    14 sec

  • Russo's elegant reception and finish

    31 sec

  • Geyoro feints away the goalkeeper and makes it 4-0

    33 sec

  • Asllani with a delicious performance up to 1-0

    28 sec

  • Beth Mead with a nice dribbling raid

    43 sec