Abu Dhabi hosts the e-racing league finals

  • The champions of electronic racing are waiting for the launch date.

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The drivers of four of the world's top e-racing teams are gearing up for the V10 R League World Finals, taking place at Yas Mall in Abu Dhabi, on Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23.

The qualifying stages were held over a period of five weeks, and witnessed a high level of competition and intense enthusiasm, after which the teams "Redline", "R8G" esports and Mercedes esports, in addition to the Abu Dhabi-based Yas Heat team, qualified for the stage. The final, which includes the semi-finals and final, will be held on Yas Island.

The organizing committee said: “The activities of the V10 R League will be held, produced by Abu Dhabi Motorsports Management Company, and Giventy eSports, while the final stage will be held in cooperation with Miral Group, Abu Dhabi Games and Esports Company, and Etihad Airways. All competitors in person and in the presence of the public since the emergence of the Covid pandemic in 2020, as the first four teams compete in the final stage for the Grand Prix of the tournament, with a total prize money of 100,000 pounds.”

The V10 R League features competitions in which the drivers of three teams compete head-on in a series of fast races, and the championship is designed to give drivers and fans alike a super dose of excitement, and the championship adopts the design of open-wheel cars equipped with a V10 engine, and is designed to make the V10 R League the fastest championship Virtual car racing around the world.

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