Nine players and eleven people in the management staff of the Swiss national team have been affected by a stomach virus before the second group match against Sweden in the European Championships.

It is unclear how many players in Switzerland will be ready for the match.

- I know we will start with eleven, but I honestly do not know how many we can use.

They have not been able to train, so we will train today and then we will have to look after.

But I already know that there are at least three players who are not feeling well enough to train today.

Of course, they will not be able to start tomorrow, says Niels Nielsen.

When the infection spread in the team, the whole team was isolated and even the players who were healthy could not train in the meantime.

But today the Swiss federation announced that the players in the team are on the road to recovery and that 22 of 23 players have gone to Sheffield where the match will be played.

- They recover very quickly, but after two days without food and that things only come out and not in, of course they do not have the strength to start the match.

At the same time, I am much, much more positive than I was yesterday about having almost all the players available tomorrow, Nielsen says.

Switzerland's big star Ramona Bachmann on the tough charge before the match:

- It has not been the best charge.

We have been isolated from each other for two days and have not been able to train.

It is not an optimal situation but we should try to do the best we can.

Today we have fortunately been able to train.

It is our only training before the match but we try to continue to be positive, there is nothing we can influence, she says.

- It is not optimal you want to prepare in the best possible way, then I think it is most mental you should be ready if you feel tired you should not show it and be able to play your best.