• Direct Narration of the tenth stage

On the way to the Megeve ski resort, to face the last port of the day, in the calm before the very long Montée de l'altiport (19.8 kilometers at 4%), the red smoke set off the alarms.


Alberto Bettiol

, who tamed his effort with a 20-second advantage over his 24 breakaway companions (including the Spaniards

Luis León Sánchez


Ion Izaguirre

) and 7:25 over the peloton, stopped short with a face of circumstances .

Unpublished image, several people sat in the middle of the road, chained, which caused the Tour to stop 38 kilometers from the finish line.

They were protesting for respect for the environment in these colossal alpine lands, with the impressive Mont Blanc in the background.

Pictures from another era, bewildered cyclists, Bettiol leaning on the team car, then circling a roundabout so as not to stay cold.

The stewards took references and the race, 15 minutes later, started with the same groups and differences that existed at the time the demonstration affected the leading cyclists.

The Italian from Education First started like a shot and in the group that chased him,

Hugo Hofstetter

tried to surprise the rest, without success.

A stage of the Tour de France has not been neutralized since 2019 and it was also close.

Then, on stage 19 between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Tignes, an avalanche of snow, following a violent storm, covered the road going down the Iseran and forced the organizers to stop.

The stage did not reach the end and there was no winner.

The times, stopped at the top of the port, allowed Egan Bernal to win the yellow jersey.

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