Daniel Ståhl is in Berkeley, California, and is honing the final details before the World Athletics Championships in Eugene.

His coach Vesteinn Hafsteinsson, on the other hand, is at home in Sweden with fatigue symptoms.

- It is extremely sad, Vesteinn has worked hard and he needs to rest, you can say that he has gone into the wall, it is probably the best decision, that he is at home and resting and the rest of us know exactly what to do, we has received a training program, says Ståhl to SVT Sport.

How is he now?

- It is a little better for every day that comes, we have had contact, I have reported a little how the training has gone.

"Has missed two training sessions throughout his career"

Instead, Ståhl's mainstay since childhood, Åke Ruus, was called in.

He is a well-known face in athletics circles and is active in Ståhl's club Spårvägen.

- Every time when I come home to Stockholm and also during my upbringing there, I think he has missed a maximum of two training sessions throughout his career.

The discus star has had Ruus by his side several times during his career.

- You get safe and calm from him, he was in all my junior championships and senior championships, says Ståhl.

In fact, Ståhl has often thrown far when Ruus is involved.

- At the Diamond League in Doha 2019 when I did a lot of throws over 69.5 and 70.5 meters, Åke stood there and was pretty cool, it feels good that he is with.