A spherical scandal .. a stadium uses a donkey to bring the ball to a match referee (video)

Activists on the communication sites circulated a video clip that sparked a wave of criticism of a person handing over a referee for a match for the ball on the back of a donkey.

The incident that took place in one of the Cape Verdean stadiums provoked a wave of reactions, at a time when many countries are handing over the referee of a match for the ball in multiple and sophisticated ways, using small cars or kites.

However, the Cape Verdean league wanted to draw attention to this move, which received many reactions.

It is noteworthy that the Cape Verde team recently participated in the African Nations Cup, which was held in Cameroon, where it was eliminated from the round of 16.


Mientras que en otros países el balón llega en coche teledirigidos, en la final de la Copa de Cabo Verde llega en burro.


— ÁFRICA FUTBOLERA (@AfricaFutbolera) July 10, 2022

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