Analysts describe the last version as “weakest” and specify:

9 technical comments “negative and positive” on the league

  • Laba Kodjo during the league shield celebration with Al Ain.

    From the source

  • The unit had a great season.

    Emirates today


Athletes and technical analysts identified nine “positive and negative” technical observations on the last version of the ADNOC Professional Football League for the 2021-2022 season, describing this version as technically weaker than its predecessors for many reasons, most notably the lack of new talents from citizen players except for a very limited number besides weakness The return of the resident players, and the absence of foreign players (super) who provide the required technical addition, except for certain players such as Al-Ain star Laba Kudjo, in addition to the large clubs such as Al-Nasr and Al-Wasl being away from the competition despite their great potential. On the other hand, they emphasized that the positive points are represented in: Al Ain's return to competition again strongly and won the title, as well as the return of Al Wahda to the fore after being away in the last period and Sharjah continued to compete and won second place.

They also confirmed to "Emirates Today" that the decline in the technical level, which is reflected during participation in the AFC Champions League, led to a decline in the league classification at the continental level, as well as the decline in the Emirates' seats in Asia, after the UAE League was previously among the best leagues in the yellow continent. The national team is the most affected by this decline.

eye back

And the former coach of the Emirates and Ajman team, Ayman Al-Ramadi, considered that Al-Ain’s return to competition strongly gave the league a special flavor this season, and the presence of Sharjah as a strong competitor made a difference in the league, describing the past league as considered, according to technical statistics, one of the weakest leagues that played in the recent period and is a source The only strength in it is the superiority of Al Ain and then Sharjah this season, pointing out that there is a great discrepancy in the technical level between the four teams in the lead, namely Al Ain, Sharjah, Al Wahda and Al Jazira, which seemed to be in a separate area as if they were playing the league alone and among the rest of the other teams that also appeared to play in Another league.

Al-Ramadi said: "The most important positive in my estimation is that Al-Wahda has started to compete again after a long absence."

And he continued, “One of the most prominent negatives of the league is the phenomenon of victory and Al-Wasl and their distance from the advanced centers in the league, and one of the negatives of the league is also that the team that gets the title is far from competing in the next season of the league, and among the negative phenomena from my point of view is the appearance of a foreign referee in the league, considering In his estimation, the strongest link in Emirati football is arbitration.”

Ayman Al-Ramadi stressed that "among the negative phenomena of the league is the absence of new talents from the age groups, with the exception of a limited number, given that clubs, especially the big ones, without exception, prefer to buy the ready player and attract him from abroad, and this is detrimental to the team."

Regarding foreign players, Al-Ramadi confirmed that “there are good foreign players, but the problem is in the mechanism of contracting them, because this mechanism must be more professional, considering that there are a small number of foreign players who come to the UAE league with a professional mentality.

Like Al Ain player Laba Kudjo and Argentine Guanca, but the majority of foreign players in the league are like employees who receive salaries at the end of the month, except for a very few characterized by a professional mentality, which makes the foreign player’s return weak, calling on clubs to apply the principle of reward and punishment together on foreign players.

Regarding the tools through which the league can be developed, Ramadi stressed the importance of starting from managing the professional system in the league.

The league is down

And a former member of the Board of Directors of the Football Association and sports analyst, Dr. Salim Al Shamsi, considered that although the UAE league was in the past periods the first at the level of Asia according to the official classification, but it declined significantly, noting that “the last league was technically weak, and even In terms of public attendance, there was a decline.

Salim Al Shamsi said that "since the beginning of professionalism, the UAE league has been in continuous decline, although there are some periods in which mutations occurred, stressing that it is necessary to pause to review matters and find out the causes of the imbalance, considering that the decline in the level of the league from a technical point of view is reflected in the national teams."

Regarding the positive points in the league, from his point of view, Al-Shamsi confirmed that he does not see that “there are positive points in the league because it did not produce (super) players and great coaches who enrich the competition.”

Resident Player Profile

In turn, the former international player, technical analyst and legal advisor, Salem Hadid, said that from his point of view, the negatives of the league are more than its positives.

Salem Hadid questioned the feasibility of having the resident player, despite the large number of resident players, saying: "There is no point or benefit in the presence of the resident players."

Salem Hadid called for the need to re-examine the file of the players residing in the league from all sides.

Salem Hadid also asked: “What are the league’s outputs during the past five years from players?

How many new Emirati star emerged?

In my estimation, it is nothing to the point that there are players who have reached the age of 37 and are still playing until now, and all these indicators indicate that the level of the league is in decline.”

And Salem Hadid continued, "Everyone notices where our league has reached at the level of Asia, in terms of ranking its level, and if this trend continues, our league will decline further and the team will be affected more."

9 notes

Twice the technical level of the competition in general.

The great disparity in the technical level between the four teams in the lead and the teams in the competition.

There are no "super" foreign players who provide the technical addition, with the exception of Lapa Kodjo.

Double the returns of resident players, except for a very limited number.

The last league did not produce any new talents at the level of national players, with the exception of limited names.

Distancing big teams from the competition, such as Al-Nassr and Al-Wasl.

Al-Ain regained its luster and its return to competing strongly again and winning the title.

The return of the unit to competition after a long absence.

Sharjah continued to compete and won second place. 

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