Agents of the National Police have arrested 82 people and recovered 58 high-end vehicles, in a macro operation carried out in more than 20 provinces,

against a network accused of committing a fraud that would amount to 10 million euros through

fraudulent service contracts of renting cars that, after falsifying the documentation, they later sold in Spain and abroad.

The detainees formed

an organization strongly structured in six nuclei,

each with its own structure but interrelated with each other, in

Alicante, Almería, Jaén, Madrid, Murcia and Tarragona.

Those arrested are accused, among other crimes, of belonging to a criminal organization, fraud, concealment of assets, false documents, extortion and money laundering.

Detected in Slovenia

The investigation began in February last year when

a person of Romanian nationality was detected at the Slovenian border in a vehicle with a forged driving license.

The tourism, owned by a Spanish rental company, had been registered ten days earlier

in Murcia and delivered in that city to the administrator of a company based in Barcelona.

Shortly after, another person tried to cross the same border with another vehicle with similar characteristics,

also with falsified documentation, a fictitious sales contract and also owned by a Spanish rental company, which had also been registered days before and delivered in Murcia to the administrator of another company based in Almería.

The agents also discovered that the two people who were driving the vehicles

had entered Spain by plane days before with a one-way ticket

and that it was not the first time.

Creation of fake companies

Based on this information, the first arrests were made for fraud and false documents.

The dynamics of this criminal organization consisted of the

creation or use of companies dedicated to different activities and with offices throughout Spain to contract vehicle renting or leasing services,

although it also used individuals for these contracts.

Once the vehicles were in the possession of the organization, the documents were falsified and through fictitious sales contracts they were transferred to European countries,

where they were offered at low prices to other criminal networks who in turn sold them to bona fide buyers.

The cars were also sold in Spain.

very organized

The organization was strongly structured and made up of people who had different well-defined roles within it.

On the one hand, there were the achievers, who through companies or in their own name obtained the vehicles

to later transfer them to the organization.

Later, the intermediaries or dealers were in charge of selling or introducing the vehicles in the legal market,

while others carried out the necessary procedures and documentation to achieve the transfer of the cars.

They also had

people who, in exchange for financial compensation, provided their identity to carry out the fraudulent change

of ownership of the cars, as well as managers of establishments and sales businesses that carried out the transactions.

More than 60 vehicles

During the operation,

82 people

of Spanish and Romanian nationality have been arrested in

Alicante (33), Jaén (18), Madrid (11), Murcia (11), Almería (5), Hellín (2), Castellón (1) and Zaragoza (1),

and searches have been carried out in homes, legal headquarters of companies and establishments dedicated to the sale of vehicles.

In the operation, 58 high-end vehicles

have been intervened , three tractor heads valued at more than 400,000 euros, more than 24,000 euros in cash,

a multitude of documentation and tools necessary for counterfeiting.

In addition, the agents have detected another 50 cars that are being investigated

in case they could have been acquired with the same fraudulent procedure.

The investigators observed that some of the passenger cars have "coves" in various compartments, so they

are also investigating whether the organization could be related to drug trafficking.

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