The Beijing Olympics snowboarding and women's halfpipe finals have finished their first run, with Sena Tomita in 2nd place, Mitsuki Ono in 6th place and Ruki Tomita in 11th place.

The women's halfpipe final will compete for the highest score of the three runs.

As a Japanese player on the women's halfpipe of snowboarding, she aims to win her first medal.

We will keep you updated on the progress of the match.

<Competition method, etc.>

The halfpipe slides down a semi-cylindrical course and performs aerial performance "air" (= jump, rotation, etc.) to compete for points.

Air is usually about 5 times.

The height, difficulty, and perfection of the air are graded.

The referee will score the difficulty of the technique, the degree of perfection, and the variety of techniques of the entire performance.

There are 6 judges, and the average score of the 4 judges excluding the highest and lowest scores is the performance score.

The final will run three times and the best score will determine the ranking.