Morocco coach receives threats to cut off his head!

The Bosnian coach of the Moroccan national football team, Vahid Halilhodzic, revealed that he had received messages from unknown persons threatening to behead him after the loss of the "Atlantic Lions" against Egypt 1-2 in the quarter-finals of the African Nations Cup, noting that he lived in complete isolation for two days, anxious and frustrated before To go out and live my life normally.

Halilhodzic said in a press conference, which was reported by Moroccan media, including the newspaper "Al-Muktab", on Thursday: "There are those who threatened to cut off my head and they are unknown people, which frustrated me a lot before I felt the support of some when I went out shopping, as there were those who congratulated me for the work I do with Moroccan national team.

The Bosnian coach added: "If you want me to leave, I will do it, I have no problems, I did it twice."

It is noteworthy that the loss from Egypt was the first for coach Halilhodzic during his career with the Moroccan national team 


Halilhodzic was subjected to a barrage of sharp criticism after he excluded Hakim Ziyech, the most important Moroccan player in the European stadiums, professional in the ranks of Chelsea, who crowned him with the European Champions League title, for reasons related to discipline and behavior within the Moroccan camp.

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