"His production is low!".. The Cameroon captain attacks Mohamed Salah with a provocative statement

Mohamed Salah, the star of the Egyptian team and Liverpool of England, was subjected to sharp criticism from the captain and top scorer of the Cameroon national team, Vincent Abu Bakr, before facing the two teams, today, Thursday, in the semi-finals of the African Nations Cup.

Abu Bakr told Cameron: “Mohamed Salah does not impress me,” adding, “I speak clearly because I am an honest person.

He explained, "Salah is having a great season in the English Premier League, and helped the Egyptian national team in the Nations Cup. He is a good player, but not at the level of some players such as Kylian Mbappe."

Abu Bakr's provocative statement to fans of Mohamed Salah comes at a time when the Egyptian star had recently won third place among the best players in the world behind Poland's Lewandowski and Argentine Lionel Messi in the "The Best" award presented by the International Federation "FIFA" for the best player in the world.

Mohamed Salah leads the Egyptian national team against Cameroon today, Thursday, and there is great hope for winning and qualifying for the final match in which the Senegalese team booked the final ticket on Wednesday after defeating Burkina Faso 3-1.

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