Covid-19: France accepts all vaccines for international competitions

Alain Schmitt (in blue) faces Hungarian Laszlo Csoknyai during the IJF World Judo Championships in Astana, August 27, 2015 VASILY MAXIMOV AFP/Archives

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Foreign athletes will be able to participate in a competition in France regardless of the type of vaccine with which they have been vaccinated.

These rules will apply from February 5 for the Judo Grand Slam in Paris.


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Regardless of the type of vaccine with which they have been vaccinated, foreign athletes will be able to participate in a competition in France.

These rules will apply from February 5

This means that all types of vaccines are accepted, such as the Russian Sputnik vaccine or the Chinese Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines.

Similarly, athletes who have not had access to a booster dose in their country must also respect the health protocol in force and be tested the day before the competition.

To compete, foreign athletes will have to present “ 

a test of less than 24 hours 

”, before the competition.

These rules will apply from February 5 for the Judo Grand Slam in Paris, as well as for the Six Nations rugby tournament.

Football is also concerned in the coming weeks, as for the OM-Qabarag (Azerbaijan) match in the Europa League Conference.

The Sputnik V vaccine is used by several dozen countries and its reliability has been validated by the medical journal

The Lancet

, but for the time being it has not been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Novak Djokovic at Roland Garros?

The Ministry of Sports has also specified that from February 15 a certificate of recovery of less than four months will be required, and no longer six months, to act as a vaccination pass, as for nationals.

On January 17, the day after the expulsion from Australia of world tennis star Novak Djokovic, the French government clarified its doctrine on foreign athletes coming for a major competition, Roland-Garros included: like everyone else, they will have to be vaccinated.

The protocol surrounding this Grand Slam tournament is not yet known, but if the vaccination pass is still required on May 23, Novak Djokovic could not benefit from a vaccination pass based on his Covid contamination in December, because superior at four months.

To read also

: In France, the vaccination pass also imposed on foreign athletes


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