(北京冬奥会)2022北京新闻中心开放 将举办百场新闻活动

  中新网北京2月1日电 (记者 杜燕)恰逢中国农历正月初一,2022北京新闻中心今天正式对外开放,从即日起至2月20日,将服务于432家中外媒体的1770名2022年北京冬奥会非注册但具有正式记者身份的媒体从业人员。





2月1日,2022北京新闻中心正式对外开放。 中新社记者 杜燕 摄




  Xu Hejian emphasized that the press center for non-registered journalists, focusing on the publicity of the Olympic host city, is an important window for the Olympic host city and country to show its image to the world, and it is one of the key factors for a successful Olympic Games.

This time, the holding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics comes at an important node in the history of the two centenary goals. At present, China has started a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and is striding forward in the realization of the Chinese nation. On the road of great rejuvenation, I sincerely hope that by dedicating an Olympic Games to the world wholeheartedly, with the help of the communication window of the host city, let the world know a more real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

2月1日,2022北京新闻中心正式对外开放。 中新社记者 杜燕 摄

Cultural and technological integration, presenting an excellent culture containing Chinese wisdom

  Beijing is the national political center, cultural center, international exchange center and scientific and technological innovation center. It has rich cultural resources, frequent international exchanges, and strong scientific and technological strength. It not only has a rich and profound urban context, splendid cultural activities, but also fashionable international consumption. Business circles and world-class technology companies, people live and work in peace and contentment here, and create and share a better life.

  "These are not only the confidence for the 2022 Beijing News Center to provide high-quality media services to the media, but also a true epitome of China's 5,000-year-old civilization in the new era." Xu Hejian said that the combination of culture and technology has become the news center of this time. a highlight.

  Xu Hejian said that the 2022 Beijing News Center, as an important communication platform for displaying the image of China and Beijing during the Winter Olympics, is different from the previous news centers for non-registered journalists and features highlights that make full use of Beijing's cultural and technological resources to provide Media reporters provide high-quality media services, allowing journalists to have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of China while experiencing the humanities, technology, and green Beijing.







