Mohamed Salah ends 2021 with a new personal achievement

Liverpool star and top scorer in the English Premier League, Mohamed Salah, ended the year 2021 in a wonderful way, as the Egyptian pharaoh won the award for the best player in the English Premier League “Premier League” for the year 2021, according to a BBC poll.

And the official website of the BBC revealed that: “The Egyptian pharaoh won the award for the best player in the English Premier League” for the year 2021, based on the vote of the fans with 60% of the total votes, and Declan Rice, the West Ham player, came with the 7%, while Manchester City defender Ruben Diaz is third with 6%.

Mohamed Salah is the top scorer in the English Premier League, with 15 goals and 9 assists, after 20 rounds have passed.

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